2020 ELECTION: Proven model gives Trump a 91 PERCENT CHANCE to win in November
Stony Brook political science professor, Helmut Norpoth, has predicted successfully the outcomes of five of the six presidential elections since 1996. His proven model uses data from early primary election results, rather than opinion polls, to predict base excitement. And he predicts, since the Biden base seems to be anything BUT excited, that President Trump has a 91 percent chance of winning the election in November. Stu, however, isn’t QUITE as convinced!
Perhaps many realize it is no longer about progressivism versus conservatism; it is about Civilization versus Anarchy, and Trump is all we have between us and the statue-topplers.
Yeah, I kind of think the same thing - after Trump, it will be back to same old bunch of phonies and weasels.
As for the prediction: my model agrees, but it’s a simpler model: I just look at Joe Biden and know that there’s no way that such a ridiculous empty suit can win.
In a socialist totalitarian society government keeps the people in line with laws that control your life.
In a free society of Liberty which the Great American Experiment is/was, Christian values and churches were the glue that made society behave.
To your question: For most of our history we were a free society of Liberty, and Christian values and churches were the glue that made society behave. But recently, we have been shifting to a socialist government that keeps the people in line with laws that control your life.
That is why these elections are the most important ever.
Fortunately we are not totally lost yet. It can still be turned around, but we need a new generation who will look at the error of these current socialist kids and see they are wrong. We also need to bring God back to the public square. That is the missing ingredient. As I said, In a free society of Liberty which the Great American Experiment is/was, Christian values and churches were the glue that made society behave. But without that glue, government will step in to replace it.
Trump is going to spend the entire 2020-2022 period up until the mid term fighting the Democrats refusal to acknowledge he won the election - again. Because he’s not nipping this in the bud ahead of time.
Afer which there will be another 11th hour crisis like they did this time around, impeachment, corona virus - whatever. The Dems will Never acknowledge him as the legitimate president ever. It’s de-facto a cold civil war already.