Anti-Trump GOP group led by Jeb Bush aide will spend millions in Florida to help Biden
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The Bush family have been traitors to the American cause from the first days of America.
Well, they are Republicans so that makes perfect sense.
hmmm…Mike Murphy, $10 million dollars, Trump is doomed. That’s what “critical thinking” taught in public schools gets you.
2016, Mike Murphy, $150 million, conventional thinkers have Jeb as the juggernaut. Jeb wins two GOP delegates.
in December, they’ll say that Putin spending $100,000 on “Biden is senile” lost it for them.
Critical thinking + low IQ = lame excuses when failure occurs
Says the dope with the Baby-Killing Kenyan Socialist Pig for an avatar.
Democrats are the party of infanticide, socialism, government control, smashing Free Speech rights, giving free stuff to illegal aliens, and now they are the party of mobs in the streets burning and destroying cities. See the burning cities and torn down statues, and you see the democrat party world. Mobs.
Republicans are the party of Traditional Values, Liberty and freedom. Donald Trump gave us the lowest unemployment rates since John F Kennedy until the virus hit, and now Democrats are trying to keep the virus going because they are so evil they are happy to destroy the economy simply to defeat Trump. That’s right. Masks and continued shutdowns are a joke, based totally on fear. There is a 0.04 death rate for Corona. People have more chance of dying from the Flu.
A totalitarian socialist state of mobs is what the Democrats offer, and liberty and freedom and jobs-not-mobs is what Trump offers.
A data expert believes US President Donald Trump will win a second term and beat Democratic nominee Joe Biden in November’s election.
Professor Bela Stantic, who founded and directs the Big Data and Smart Analytics Lab and Queensland’s Griffith University, said on Sunday his initial analyst showed Trump was “tracking really well”.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – In Gallup polling conducted over the two weeks leading up to the first presidential debate, President Donald Trump’s job approval rating is 46%, its highest point since May. Although still short of the majority approval that incumbent presidents typically need in order to be confident of reelection, more Americans say they expect he, rather than Joe Biden, will win the election
RUSH: I’ve got some polling data here, and then we’ll get back to the phones. “Trump reaches critical 52% approval rate entering the final election stretch — With just 12 days to go before the election, Trump’s approval rating has popped to 52%.” Now, that is considered — traditionally and historically — the Holy Grail of reelection numbers. This is Rasmussen Reports.
“The president’s rating jumped from 49 to 52%.” It’s a job approval poll. It jumped three points in the three-day rolling average Rasmussen puts out in its Daily Presidential Tracking Poll. So Trump is at 52% approval. That is a key number. Traditionally, if an incumbent president reaches 52% in the final stretch, he doesn’t lose the presidential election.
Fifty-two percent, it’s a magic number, and it’s that… There might be a couple of exceptions to it over the years. But it is firmly established to have happened often enough to be a key indicator. “In addition to the daily approval rating, Rasmussen and others this week have also charted Trump’s rise in the presidential race, tightening to two to three points with Biden.”
So it’s all moving in the right direction. In addition to that, Trump has picked up eight points in Ohio in one month, and the Drive-Bys are quiet. It’s worthy to note that the Drive-By Media is ignoring this. But they made a big deal about Biden being up five in Ohio, and now that he’s gone the opposite way, they are standing mute. They’re conditioning voters to expect Biden to win.
That’s what this all is. But I think the Trump rallies are making the silent voter more bold. I think so more and more people are watching that’s rallies. I think they’re getting a different psychological effect from them. “Fox reported Wednesday that its poll showed a dramatic eight-point shift toward Trump and away from Biden in Ohio,” and this is gonna get even worse after Biden’s performance last night about the oil industry.
This is big in Pennsylvania and Ohio and some of these other states. For the first time in four months, Trump is ahead in the Real Clear Politics average. It’s by less than a point, but everybody considers this the Holy Grail. The Real Clear Politics rolling average, the Poll of Polls, whatever it is. So there’s a Mollie Hemingway story:
“A few days before the first presidential debate, Fox News … released polling showing that the situation for President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign was so dire that he was down five points in Ohio. Ohio! Trump won Ohio by eight points in 2016, but now he was down five with just over a month remaining in the race.
“Liberal[s] were thrilled! The result was major news, and journalists made sure to highlight the result. Folks at the Washington Post, MSNBC, New York Times,” da-da-da-da-da-da-da, “made a big deal about it. Fox News reported Wednesday that its polls showed a dramatic eight-point shift toward Trump and away from Biden,” and guess who’s silent? Drive-By Media.
The trend line is all in Trump’s direction, exactly as it was in 2016. One more. This is Rasmussen. This is the National Daily Black Likely Voter Job Approval for President, and this is something. October 19th through 23rd, 2020. On Monday October 19th, Trump’s approval number among African-American likely voters — job approval — was 25%. The next day, October 20th, it fell a point. Trump’s job approval among black voters, 24%.
This is likely black voters. But on Wednesday it began to change. On Wednesday, October 21st, 31% job approval among black likely voters. Then Thursday, yesterday, 37% job approval black likely voters. Today, 46%. So we’ve gone: Monday, October 19th, 25%; Friday, October 23rd, 46% Black likely voter job approval, Donald Trump. What happened? What happened? The debate happened? Fiddy Cent? What happened?
Something happened.
I guestimate the real percentage to be
10% for B and 90% for Trump
But Dems have mobilized the massive rigging apparatus which can fake a victory for them @
51 / 49
All this combined may shock you.
voter intimidation at the polls
carefully timed fake news
Inserting a virus into voter machine software
vote harvesting like what is being currently done by Ilhan Omar in Minnesota
Vote reminders sent exclusively to Democrats by Facebook, Google and other social media
Merging likely Republican name/addresses into the computer database at certain Postal Sorting centers to separate out selected mail-in ballots for disposal.
(From Jim Stone)