Minneapolis - Police Will Be Dismantled

Interesting that they now want to defund. Wasn’t it Bill Clinton the one bragging about the 100,000 new cops he hired?

Once again the problem was created by the dems, now it is blamed by the MSM/BLM on the Republicans. Setup, bait and then use words to stir up the issue.


Clinton’s contribution to the problems we have with police today was not in the number of new hires. It was in the lack of vetting and training them.

Obama’s contribution came a piece at a time, every time he sided with ‘victims’ of ‘police brutality’ and promulgated the divide between LEO and the public. He exacerbated any and all hatred the minorities already may have had toward the police, most of whom have the best interests of the public as their reason for serving.

The hatred of police is generalized toward anyone that wears the uniform and has little to do with the individual ethics and standards of each officer. The haters know nothing of the bell curve and how a scant few sadistic bastards can bring the entire group to be marked as such.

If you’ve ever been a cellmate in a detention facility, you can literally feel the belligerence of the assholes that are put in charge of handling discipline of inmates. The ones who love to beat on people will make it to the ‘goon squad’ that is called into a cell block when some inmate is hesitant to do as the unarmed officer in charge demands. This goon squad is outfitted with riot gear and wooden batons and will beat a prisoner to the floor without hesitation.

Police badges and weapons should not be handed out like Cracker Jack prizes just for being able to sign one’s name to an application and complete some physical training courses.

Psychological testing and extensive background checks should be applied to all applicants BEFORE they are allowed to police the public.

Training should be a continuous maintenance program…with ‘bad apples’ tossed out immediately upon discovery.

Don’t voters have a say in this? Where they want the funds to go?

Understaffing police is far more dangerous. To safely restrain, you need 8 people before restrain begins. Proven magic number of 8 at State Psych Hospitals who need to do restraints all day and all night

So, the Minneapolis PD will now be respected in a community where criminality has been rampant for 40 years? The MPD will gain cooperation of violent felons by asking nicely?

I cannot imagine any cop with half a brain hurrying to a call in the hostile zone. These areas have had 50 years of Dem ‘leadership’ (LOL) and the populace is still violent, criminal, and hateful toward cops- even before George ‘pistol in the pregnant woman’s stomach’ Floyd.
Question Monte- How many cops are you willing to see die before they get the ‘respect’ of the locals?

When all the police are seeking other jobs, there will be NOTHING AT ALL that we can do about this kind of neannderthal attacks.

Obama’s contribution came a piece at a time, every time he sided with ‘victims’ of ‘police brutality’ and promulgated the divide between LEO and the public. He exacerbated any and all hatred the minorities already may have had toward the police, most of whom have the best interests of the public as their reason for serving.

Very well said!

With Dems promoting socialism, the cops are already trained to enforce it. Possibly the reason for hiring so many and then not providing training as you mention. Hire bullies and turn them loose on the public. Dems thinking, “hire 'em, turn 'em lose on the public, then we can come in as saviors!”

Not sure how many of you remember the views on the News in the 1960’s and 70’s of what life was like in USSR.

Hopefully I won’t be alive when the Dems finally show their true intent.

Everybody (I mean everybody) will be working for $1.00 an hour or less. The black market will grow by leap and bounds just like it did in the USSR. (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)

Only difference is that it won’t be drugs on the black market, but, food, clothing and other basic needs, just like in the USSR.

Russia shed the socialist agenda and they now have a chance for a future. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen the bread lines in other words.

The MSM is not doing anyone who believes in freedom a service. They are owned and controlled by the democrats. Have been since President Jackson, and the Vice President Martin Van Buren bought the newspapers to stop talk in the papers about salvery. This meant it was a non-issue in the elections leading up to President Lincoln taking office.

Same thing is happening now, selective reporting is the same as lying and portraying opinions as news. Period.

Why haven’t I heard in the MSM about the Sept. 2020 trial date for a bunch of democrats? Isn’t that news more important then KUWTK?

The biased news from Bloomberg is not real news, they are fabricated opinions of the man who just ran on the democratic ticket. Tell me he isn’t biased. Why did he not win? Too easy for everyone to see that the liberal MSM is earning their salaries from a certain political party.

Once the dems take control, the BLM movement will realize their mistake in believing in the democrats. Socialism is slavery.

Just remember when all these protests started happening, not one democrat did anything meaningful other than to incite unrest. Who was President and yet did nothing?

Now they have all of these “woke” citizens believing in their agenda.

They are now happy they finally have the country divided so they can conquer.


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The Chicago Study

As it turns out, when it comes to the use of force, the race of the police officer may not be significant. A study of 270 police shootings in Chicago from 2006 to 2014 found that the demographics of the officers who fired their weapons matched the demographics of the police department. Whites were 51 percent of the shooters and 53 percent of the force; blacks were 23 percent of the shooters and 25 percent of the force. In other words, there is no evidence that white police were more likely to discharge their weapons or that African American officers were less likely. This is especially noteworthy given the demographics of the shooting victims: 5 percent were white, 14 percent Hispanic, and an eye-popping 80 percent were black.

Equally significant is the reason for the confrontation. In the overwhelming majority of cases (77 percent), the police were reactive, not proactive. They were responding, in the typical scenario, to a call about a violent crime. In the proactive situation (23 percent of the shootings), the officer initiated the contact, e.g., stopped a suspicious person.

One study showed that white police officers were no more likely than black officers to fatally shoot black civilians.

In 80 percent of the shootings, the officer reported a gun threat, and in 60 percent a firearm was recovered. In the remaining 20 percent, the officer said (s)he was threatened with a motor vehicle (12 percent), a weapon other than a gun (10 percent), or a physical attack (8 percent).

In short, according to the Chicago data, in the overwhelming majority of police-civilian shootings, the police didn’t initiate the confrontation, but rather were summoned by civilian reports, whereupon they fired in response to a direct threat of an attack, usually with a gun.

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Gee! Wouldn’t it be nice if the citizens of Minneapolis had access to taxpayer funds to pay for their own private security details…like these pompous-ass city officials do…the ones whose goal is to dismantle the taxpayer funded police department?

This has only cost the taxpayers $63,000…IN JUST 3 WEEKS!..TO PROTECT JUST 3 ASSHOLES!

Lib and Dem lowlifes are hell bent on changing that with their systemic racism against western civilization :roll_eyes: and the way civilized people protest is at the voting booth and not anarchy in the streets.

Luckily I’m not a bigot. Shoot em all. I guarantee it would send one Hell of a message. You know, a burst here, a burst there. Here a burst, there a burst, everywhere a burst burst. You will find, most people are willing to cooperate with someone carrying a weapon with a high capacity magazine. And if you think looters outgun the non looters, well, think again. .22 caliber hypervelocity from a block or two away. Cheap, quiet, efficient, accurate. Effortlessly suppressed.

There is no systematic racism. You’re just parroting liberal talking points and catch phrases. You should listen to Larry Elder.

Just curious, did you watch the season finale of PD?

Chicago PD? No. I never saw any of it.

What were you referencing?

Penny Dreadful, City of Angels

Lol… I was asking myself, PD,? PD?.. I am trying to watch it…the last episode I watched a few days ago, was losing my interest. i just haven’t been able to focus on it since episode three. i’ll catch up.

I started watching it because it has a film noir look and feel about it. But after watching the season finale, I am convinced that life is imitating art (so called art) and the SJW narratives are now becoming a cliche. Just listen to the last line spoken not to mention the symbolism being inferred. (Such as killing Christiansnity)

Ok…I am rewatching from episode 4…(time passes)

Three episodes later…When does Penny Dreadful start?


If they have a second season, I suppose it’ll do the Zoot Suit riots

and the kidnapping (scandal ) of Aimee Semple Mcpherson… to Mexico–even though that kidnapping /or hoax, would have been 15 yrs earlier than the evangelist in PDreadfull–who they say is loosely based on Mcpherson.

(time passes). Episode 10…

I guess I predicted that…the riot, the trip to Mexico…but then they changed their mind about her going to Mexico.

Fictionalized rioting and out of time sync. And in real life, the Nazis were helping the Zoot Suiters and creating Chaos.

So the real history is twisted and lost and mashed in with supernatural hodgepodge…pretty corny. The the kid invented the bomb. Taking liberties is fine, by not when presented as actual, sensitive, history. They were making it up as they went along.

The least they could do would be to put them in real Zoot Suits.

So now if there is a season two, it will be unrelated to this season. (It appears)

My mother lived in Hollywood during the Zoot Suit period. She worked for the army in a supply depot center right there. She was scared of the Zoot Suiters. She talked about those memories a lot.

The last dialogue is entirely phony. These flake writers are pathetic.—Yeah the Freeways were built as
“population control”

That was terrible!

The politicians who voted to dismantle the police also decided to give themselves private security details at $4500 a day.

What has happened to Political Bullpen?