Merck Covid Pill

That’s good for you, but Covid’s still killing nearly 2,000 Americans every day….

Then why did Trump spend billions of dollars to rush vaccines to Americans and why did he take the vaccine even after having had the disease himself….:thinking:

Democrats were begging him for it. He’s a nice guy

Because it was the plan of the Deep State.

By getting the vaccine ready while he was still President (officially, that is), he managed to make it a lot less fatal.

People who die of covid are simply murdered in hospitals.

If you stay home, take vitamins, zinc (and hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, if available), you’ll be fine in a few days.

Trump working with the “deep state”….feature that……:thinking:

Monte , I’m being lighthearted with names and humor with no intended malice.
I’m 72 yrs. young, and when I worked in the auto industry, a group of us would teasingly give each other and supervisers names in fun. I was given the name Cousin EB from Green Acres and I called the metalurgist lab tech, Mr. HANEY. This was all in lighthearted fun. Today , everyone needs a quiet room or a room to smash things like childten because " that bad person" said bad things about me.
Monte , I’m not a bad person and correct me if I’m wrong, I have a feeling you and I could share a few cold ones and havev a good conversation without being angrybat each other.

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Are those deaths from COVID or with COVID?

I’m not surprised if it’s written in the Art of War, but it’s effective to pretend to work with the enemy.

And get them when the timing is right.

And in this case he helped them……

One thing for certain the administration doesn’t want this to be successful.

What would they rant about to force people to take the vaccine.

Some people don’t want to wake up from the matrix. They prefer to stay in their comfort zone, so it’s their choice to pass on.

WOW , talk about staying on topic ! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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So trumps enjoying the slumber of the matrix….:sunglasses:

Trump was at the border leading… was Biden? Hmm
“We love trump”

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Try and stay on topic you say.

In one of Merck’s trials 350 people with Covid were given this drug and 350 people with Covid were given a placebo…

The first group had 28 hospitalizations and no deaths, the latter 57 hospitalizations and 8 deaths…

We this guy back

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That means only one thing.

The members of the latter group were killed.

Didn’t Trump already create ivermectin. It’s been proven to save lives… Thank you Trump