Speculations at best. If NASA needs more funding, just invent a hypothesis to convince Congress to loosen the purse-string.
“Perhaps about 4.3 billion years ago, Mars would have had enough water to cover its entire surface in a liquid layer about 450 feet (137 meters) deep. More likely, the water would have formed an ocean occupying almost half of Mars’ northern hemisphere, in some regions reaching depths greater than a mile (1.6 kilometers).”
Genesis doesn’t say where it happened, does it?
It was probably on Mars.
Veritable Garden of Eden before angels fought other angels and messed up the nice neighborhood.
If it were “truth” he could provide the actual evidence to support it. We know he hasn’t and he can’t.
The water is there as is the evidence of erosion by water.
They certainly are not denying that at one time Mars had abundant water including oceans which is what Digi claimed.
Don’t shoot the messenger buddy - it wasn’t my fault that you’ve been fooled all this time? And obviously still are being??
That’s what it’s all about - to keep the ‘research funding’ gushing in. I don’t blame NASA - I just wish I could get a piece of the action viz. a lucrative job for life without having to work.
How does the adage go now - something about 'You can fool the people some of the time . . . '?
On what do you base the assumption they aren’t working for their money? You’ve never been to NASA and I seriously doubt you know anyone who has much less who has worked there.
Unbelievable! Look, if you worked for NASA or any of the other space outfits, would you spill the beans? Yes, or no will do.
What is Hollywood’s role in the numerous movies on the alien/Mars/stargate theme?
Desensitization of the public.
Again, read the article with a little bit of skepticism just one time, then you can go back to believing it as if the pope said it.
They are speculating, using “maybe” and “we believe”, “possibly”, etc. Never do they state, “we know for certain”.
It doesn’t matter as long as people are exposed to facts under the guise of fiction or even as a joke.
That’s the way to work with sheeple.
No, like I said, it’s all about dumbing down, and advertising revenues for the various space mags. One day TWR and Samm with realise that.
I’ve had several family members and a good many friends and acquaintances work for NASA, they worked their asses off.
You certainly have zero evidence to show they aren’t actually earning their money.
You aren’t exposing people to anything but conspiracy nutt bullshit that can’t be substantiated with a single fact.
Well if dreaming up ridiculous space story crap that even a 5-year old would question is ‘working’, then I will readily believe you that they work extremely hard for their crusts. You forgot to answer my yes or no question, by the way? Lucky I haven’t been holding my breath waiting for it? lol
NASA is a typical Nazi organisation.
Don’t forget that the Nazi perfected “compartmentalization,” meaning the workers don’t know (and are not even allowed to know) what his coworkers in the neighboring stalls are working on.
As I’ve often said when discussing this subject, and the question is asked 'How can there by anything dodgy when there are so many who work for the space agencies? I point out that I worked at a fairly high level (managerial) in an international company, but I didn’t know what went on in the boardroom: nor did I want to know, provided my pay cheque made it into my bank every month. And even it I had known, I’d have been a bloody fool to let the cat out of the bag. I’d have been sacked, the word would be put out that I’m a troublemaker who spreads lies(???), and I’d never find work ever again in any field.
Again, it’s called compartmentalization of knowledge.
The the culture of “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.”
Self-survival (including family of course) is what it’s all about. Food on tables, and roofs over heads.