Marco Rubio Wants Americans to Abandon their Racial and Ethnic Identities

The civil rights act only exists as a counter to Jim Crow. If there was never Jim Crow (aka institutionalize racism) there wouldn’t be the need for the CRA

The Civil Rights Act exists because LBJ was pandering to blacks. I believe that old racist said something to the effect of: "I’ll have those ■■■■■■■ voting Democratic for the next 200 years.

Sounds like the usual progressive to me.

Desegregation was already well on the way prior to the Civil Rights Act getting signed.

Wait a minute, I thought all of this was just a social construct anyway?

Are you saying that race is a real thing now?


Yes because most “social constructs” have to be integrated at gunpoint.

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No it wasn’t. Not in the south.

The use of race (the color of ones skin) to separate people is a real thing.

…and many blacks still want the separation. The 100 Black Clergy, Miss Black America, and…

It seems the blacks want it this way.

Uh guys. I think I just spotted @Pragmatic and I am literally shaking.

This fat ■■■■■■ guy seems to have a health issue.

No, race is not the skin color per se.
There are very dark Japanese and the opposite, just as an example. If you travel in India, you might encounter more extremes, from Kashmir to the southern tip of the Indian subcontinent.

Nonetheless, some people believe black Africans don’t have the same intellectual capacity as other races.

I personally attribute the success of Asian kids in math, etc., to the use of chopsticks for eating, which trains not only the muscle coordination, 3D perception and beyond from an early age.

No, diversity is not strength at all.
Look what’s happened to Boeing and Volvo in Sweden is relocating.