Marco Rubio Wants Americans to Abandon their Racial and Ethnic Identities

The amount of melanin in your skin has zero to do with your Intelligence. Zero.

What do most of the maps you posted with low “IQ” are also some of the poorest nations. Education is key here.

What do you mean poor? The red areas on the IQ map for example happen to be some of the most resource-rich places on the planet. Why haven’t the people there ever been successful :thinking:

Where’s the correlation between being resource rich and IQ?

Highest National IQs:

• 108 Singapore
• 106 South Korea
• 105 Japan
• 105 China
• 102 Italy
• 101 Iceland
• 101 Switzerland
• 100 Austria
• 100 Netherlands
• 100 Norway

Lowest National IQs:

• 68 Somalia
• 67 Guinea
• 67 Haiti
• 67 Liberia
• 66 Gambia
• 64 Cameroon
• 64 Gabon
• 64 Sierra Leone
• 64 Mozambique
• 59 Equatorial Guinea

Whites are proto-humans; modern man evolved from Whites by hybridizing with the large-brain Neanderthals:

• Blacks = 2% Archaic admixture
• Whites = 4% Neanderthal
• Asians = 5% Neanderthal + Denisovan

Genetic distance is a measure of the genetic divergence between populations. Blacks have a genetic distance of 0.23 from Whites and Asians, but only 0.17 from Erectus. That means Blacks are more genetically proximate to archaic man than to modern man.

Blacks are the only race with no DNA from the large-brain Neanderthals. Civilizations didn’t begin until the Neanderthal hybridization created the larger brains in modern man.

Brain Size by Race:

• Blacks = 1267 cm3
• Whites = 1347 cm3
• Asians = 1364 cm3

Whites’ brains are faster, larger, denser, and more complex than Blacks’ brains:

• 7% larger
• 126 grams heavier
• deeper fissuration in the frontal and occipital regions
• more complex convolutions
• larger frontal lobes
• more pyramidal neurons
• 16% thicker supra-grandular layer
• one standard deviation more cerebrum
• react faster on mental chronometry tests
• 600 million more neurons

Whites are only 10% of the world’s population, yet are the most industrious and innovative race the world has known. Whites unlocked the secrets of DNA, and relativity, launched satellites, created automation, discovered electricity and nuclear energy, invented automobiles, aircraft, submarines, radio, television, computers, medicine, telephones, light bulbs, photography, and countless other technological miracles. Whites were the first to circumnavigate the planet by ship, and orbit it by spacecraft, to walk on the moon, probe beyond the solar system, climb the highest peaks, reach both poles, exceed the sound barrier, descend to the oceans depths… yet Blacks still can’t even feed themselves.

Whites have to provide food, medical, financial, and engineering aid to every Black nation. Blacks cannot survive without White charity. Blacks became an out-of-control invasive species after Whites domesticated them.

No pre-contact Black society ever created a written language, or weaved cloth, or forged steel, or invented the wheel, or plow, or devised a calendar, or code of laws, or system of measurement, or math, or built a multi-story structure, or sewer, or drilled a well, or irrigated, or created any agriculture, or built a road, or sea-worthy vessel. They never domesticated animals, or exploited underground natural resources, or produced anything that could be considered a mechanical device.

Blacks were still living in the Stone Age when Whites discovered them just 400 years ago.

Blacks lived alone in Africa, a vast continent with temperate climates and abundant resources for 60,000 years; so they cannot blame slavery, racism, colonialism, culture, environment, or anything else for their failures.

Simply, life is an IQ test.

In 156 American studies that have reported the IQ means of a Black and a White sample, the mean Black-White difference is 1.1 standard deviations (SDs), or about sixteen IQ points.

In 1980, the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth administered the largest and most carefully selected national sample of 6,502 Whites and 3,022 Blacks an IQ test and found a difference of 1.2 SDs.

An IQ gap of at least 1.1 SDs for American Blacks (average 24% White admixture) and Whites has been present for the entire 100+ year history of IQ tests. The gap between African Blacks and Whites is 2.0 SDs.

Black-White IQ Distribution:

5% above 110 IQ
16% above 100 IQ
40% above 90 IQ
60% above 80 IQ
40% below 80 IQ
18% below 75 IQ
10% below 70 IQ

10% above 120 IQ
18% above 115 IQ
27% above 110 IQ
40% above 105 IQ
50% above 100 IQ
60% below 105 IQ
35% below 95 IQ
15% below 85 IQ

As the New York Times put it, “…the difference in IQ points between the groups is quite significant. It means that the top sixth of Blacks score only as well on IQ tests as do the top half of Whites.”

The least intelligent 10% of Whites have IQs below 80 (low functioning); 40% of Blacks do.

Only one Black in six is more intelligent than the average White; five Whites out of six are more intelligent than the average Black.

Incidently, Black female IQ is 2.4 points higher than Black male IQ. There are twice as many Black females as Black males with IQs over 120, and five times as many Black females as Black males with IQs over 140.

About 2.3% of Whites have an IQ of at least 130 (gifted), 20 times greater than the percentage of Blacks who do; only 0.00044% of African Blacks have an IQ over 130. 80% of gifted American Blacks have White admixture.

Geniuses by Race (IQ 140 or higher):

• African Blacks 1:3,500,000 (0.000003%)
• American Blacks 1:218,000 (0.0004%)
• Whites 1:83 (1.2%)

So, the per capita genius rate for Whites is 41,000 times higher than it is for African Blacks.

If all Whites in America were replaced by Blacks, the number of geniuses in the country would fall from about 2.4 million to only about 1,000.

The so-called “achievement gap” by SAT scores:

Year White Black Gap
1985 1038 839 199
1990 1031 849 185
1995 1052 857 195
2000 1060 859 201
2005 1061 863 197
2010 1063 855 208
2015 1047 846 201

This gap is so significant that colleges award Blacks 230 SAT “race bonus” points to help them qualify for admission. The Black-only National Achievement Scholarship was created because Blacks are not competitive for the National Merit Scholarship.

IQ by Race and Highest Degree Earned (1972 — 2014):

Highest Degree White IQ Black IQ Gap
High School Drop-out: 89 82 7
High School Diploma 98 90 8
Junior College Degree 102 95 7
Bachelor’s Degree 108 100 8
Graduate Degree 113 102 11

Therefore, a Black with a graduate degree has an IQ equivalent to a White with a junior college degree.

Blacks can only achieve because they are mixed with White genes or because they reside in White societies. Too few of them are smart enough to even build sufficient infrastructure to allow the Black intellectual elite to achieve.

The American Psychological Association declares, “…large differences do exist between the average IQ scores of Blacks and Whites, and that these differences cannot be attributed to biases in test construction.”


None of this has to do with the amount of melanin in your skin. Zero.

Melanin has zero connection to your brain function.

And no, is white people aren’t the greatest thing since white bread. We just managed to be the most savage throughout history.

It actually does. His entire post was about race and IQ. Maybe you should try reading it before responding.


Where in my post did I say that melanin impacted brain function? Race and DNA has a direct impact on IQ. If you don’t like facts that’s not my problem. If you want to dispute the facts you have an uphill battle on your hands because the science is conclusive:

  • Scarr and Weinberg, 1976. IQ test performance of black children adopted by white families.
  • Templer and Arikawa, 2006. Temperature, skin color, per capita income, and IQ: An international perspective.
  • Templer,2010. IQ and Skin Color: The Old World Reexamined and the New World
  • Harris, 2008. From color line to color chart?: Racism and colorism in the new century
  • Flynn, 2010. Where Have All the Liberals Gone? Race, Class, and Ideals in America
  • Lynn, 2006. Race Differences in Intelligence: An Evolutionary Analysis
  • Tizard, 1974. Race and IQ
  • Nisbett, 2010. Intelligence and How to Get It: Why Schools and Cultures Count
  • Nisbett, 2005. Heredity, environment, and race differences in IQ: A commentary on Rushton and Jensen
  • Reed, 1997. The Genetic Hypothesis: It Was Not Tested but It Could Have Been
  • Rushton, 2008. Testing the genetic hypothesis of group mean IQ differences in South Africa: racial admixture and cross-situational consistency.
  • Levitt and Fryer, 2006. Testing for racial differences in the mental ability of young children
    *bEyferth, 1961. Leistungern verscheidener Gruppen von Besatzungskindern in Hamburg-Wechsler Intelligenztest für Kinder.
  • Jensen, 1998. The G-Factor: the science of human mental ability
  • Scarr et al., 1992. The Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study: A Follow-Up of IQ Test Performance at Adolescence.
  • Scarr et al., 1977. Absence of a relationship between degree of white ancestry and intellectual skill in a black population.
  • Wicherts, et al. (2009). Why national IQs do not support evolutionary theories of intelligence
  • Wicherts, et al. (2009). A systematic literature review of the average IQ of sub-Saharan Africans
  • Dickens and Flynn, 2006. Black Americans reduce the racial IQ gap
  • Ruston and Templer, submitted 2011. IQ, Pigmentocracy, Crime, and Income in 50 U.S. States
  • Hunter, 2007. The Persistent Problem of Colorism: Skin Tone, Status, and Inequality.
  • Modgil, Modgil, and Eysenck, 1986. Hans Eysenck: consensus and controversy, page. 117
  • Rowe, 2002. IQ, birth weight, and number of sexual partners in White, African American, and mixed race adolescents.
  • Snip, 2003. RACIAL MEASUREMENT IN THE AMERICAN CENSUS: Past Practices and Implicationsfor the Future
  • Gullickson, 2004. Amalgamations, New and Old: The Stratification of America’s Mixed Black/White Population
  • Villarreal, 2010. Stratification by Skin Color in Contemporary Mexico
  • Harris and Thomas, 2002. The educational cost of being Multiracial: evidence from a National survey of Adolescence
  • Willerman et al., 1974. Intellectual development of children from interracial matings: Performance in infancy and at 4 years.
  • Parra et al. 1998. Estimating African American admixture proportions by use of population-specific alleles
  • Jensen, 1981b. Obstacles, problems, and pitfalls in differential psychology. In S. Scarr (Ed.), Race, social class, and individual differences in IQ
  • Haworth, 2009. The heritability of general cognitive ability increases linearly from childhood to young adulthood
  • Model, 2008. The Secret of West Indian Success
  • Lee, 2009. Review of intelligence and how to get it: Why schools and cultures count, R.E. Nisbett, Norton, New York, NY (2009)
  • Yeung and Pfeiffer, 2008. The black–white test score gap and early home environment
  • Fick,1929. Intelligence test results of poor white, native (Zulu), coloured and Indian school children and the social and educational implications.
  • Moore, 1986. Family socialization and the IQ test performance of traditionally and transracially adopted black children.
  • Hill, 2000. Color Differences in the Socioeconomic Status of African American Men: Results of a*Longitudinal Stud
  • Mackenzie, 1984. Explaining race differences: in IQ The Logic, the Methodology, and the Evidence
  • Nisbett, 1998. Race, genetic, IQ.
  • Jensen, 1969. How Much Can We Boost IQ and Scholastic Achievement?

Race is just the color of your skin. Aka the amount of melanin in your skin.

All of which has been debunked… there is no correlation. It doesn’t matter how many words you type.

The color of your skin has zero correlation with your intelligence.

Neither does DNA… I mean where did the first humans originate from? Has anyone pinpointed the exact gene that makes you more intelligent than someone else? And if they did, can they trace it back to a “white” person?

Prove it.

Your posts indicate that you don’t even have a light grasp on the study of genetics and human development.

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Wrong. It’s admixture and phenotype. Your ridiculous assertion of melanin being the single factor by which race is determined would make African Albinos a different race, which they are not.

You know absolutely nothing of this subject.

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There are plenty of quotable areas but I will highlight just one

“A genuine twin study was launched by the Minneapolis-based psychologist Thomas Bouchard in 1979, and although he was generously backed by the overtly racist Pioneer Fund, his results make interesting reading. He studied identical twins, who have the same genes, but who were separated close to birth. This allowed him to consider the different contributions that environment and biology played in their development. His idea was that if the twins emerged with the same traits despite being raised in different environments, the main explanation would be genetic.

The problem was that most of his identical twins were adopted into the same kinds of middle-class families. So it was hardly surprising that they ended up with similar IQs. In the relatively few cases where twins were adopted into families of different social classes and education levels, there ended up being huge disparities in IQ – in one case a 20-point gap; in another, 29 points, or the difference between “dullness” and “superior intelligence” in the parlance of some IQ classifications. In other words, where the environments differed substantially, nurture seems to have been a far more powerful influence than nature on IQ.“

“But what happens when you move from individuals to whole populations? Could nature still have a role in influencing IQ averages? Perhaps the most significant IQ researcher of the last half century is the New Zealander Jim Flynn. IQ tests are calibrated so that the average IQ of all test subjects at any particular time is 100. In the 1990s, Flynn discovered that each generation of IQ tests had to be more challenging if this average was to be maintained. Projecting back 100 years, he found that average IQ scores measured by current standards would be about 70.

Yet people have not changed genetically since then. Instead, Flynn noted, they have become more exposed to abstract logic, which is the sliver of intelligence that IQ tests measure. Some populations are more exposed to abstraction than others, which is why their average IQ scores differ. Flynn found that the different averages between populations were therefore entirely environmental.

This finding has been reinforced by the changes in average IQ scores observed in some populations. The most rapid has been among Kenyan children – a rise of 26.3 points in the 14 years between 1984 and 1998, according to one study. The reason has nothing to do with genes. Instead, researchers found that, in the course of half a generation, nutrition, health and parental literacy had improved.“

That’s weird? If Intelligence was raced based… then how were Kenyans able to increase their IQ scores in a significantly short period of time?

A similar pattern could be seen from studies of two generations of Mizrahi ■■■■■■ children in Israel: the older generation had a mean IQ of 92.8, the younger of 101.3. And it wasn’t just a ■■■■■■ thing. Chinese Americans recorded average IQ scores of 97 in 1948, and 108.6 in 1990. And the gap between African Americans and white Americans narrowed by 5.5 points between 1972 and 2002.

No one could reasonably claim that there had been genetic changes in the ■■■■■■■ Chinese American or African American populations in a generation or two. After reading the University of Utah paper, Harry Ostrer, who headed New York University’s human genetics programme, took the opposite view to Steven Pinker: “It’s bad science – not because it’s provocative, but because it’s bad genetics and bad epidemiology.”

Stop spreading this bullshit.

Race is a social construct based on the color of your skin. Ethnicity is what you are thinking of.

I just provided 40 different academic citations and the best that you could come up with is one biased opinion column from the Guardian?

Piss off mate. You are an intellectual lightweight not worthy of debate.

Read up and come back when you have more than your emotions to share.

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No - that is a revisionist talking point provided by Cultural Marxists.


Explain how Kenyans were able to increase IQ scores in 14 years? Did they genetically change in that time frame? Did they get “white” DNA?

Also, Not a single “researcher” you trotted out has located the specific gene or genes that indicate intelligence. If you can locate the gene, how would you know whether ONLY a white person has it?

I’ll give you a kid article to bring it to your level…

“Skin color can be everything from very pale to very dark, and many shades in between. That’s because of something called melanin, which is made in the epidermis. Some people call it pigment.

Here are some facts about melanin:

  • Some people make more melanin than others. Everyone has about the same number of cells that make melanin, but not everybody makes the same amount of melanin.
  • The more melanin your skin makes, the darker your skin. How much melanin your body makes depends on your genes, which you get from your parents.
  • Melanin is why you get a tan or burn. When you go out in the sun, your body makes more melanin. That’s because it’s trying to protect you from the sun’s damaging rays by deflecting or absorbing them. But melanin isn’t strong enough to completely protect you, especially if you have pale skin. By the time you see your skin turn darker or get burned, it’s already damaged, so trying to get a tan is a bad idea. You should always protect your skin from the sun by covering up and using sunscreen.

Because people with darker skin have more melanin, they usually don’t get as wrinkly when they get older. They’re also less likely to get skin cancer. But even dark-skinned people can get wrinkles and skin cancer, so everyone needs to protect their skin when they go outside.”

Putting aside your absolute jackassery for a moment, you mentioned something earlier about environment which you probably should have honed in on but for whatever reason you are still fumbling around with melanin which is retarded.

Anyway…yes, the environment can lower your IQ. This is why the best white countries have an IQ of 100 and the shitty ones are in the 90s. You see the exact same thing with other races: the best countries have a national IQ similar to what that demographic’s average IQ is within wealthy countries, while the poorer countries are up to 15 points less.

Blacks in the West have an average IQ of 85, though it might be more accurately 80 if you account for admixture. However, if you look at black-controlled nations you wouldn’t think that at all, and it’s because IQ is a positive feedback loop. Give stupid people a government and the country will fall apart which’ll create an environment that suppresses everybody’s IQ. There is evidence that you can fix this, but for the most part IQ is an inherited number that can only fall through brain damage, poor living conditions and age, and it does.

Ultimately the point is that IQ and race are connected but the environment is also a factor. Because blacks tend to have much lower IQs they plummet towards the bottom of IQ rankings the fastest when environment is a factor. Blacks that have European admixture tend to perform much better on IQ tests, even more so when they are in high performing white locations.

The down side is when high performing white areas are inundated with low performing minorities it brings everyone down.

Isn’t this how Pocahontas became a tenured law professor at Harvard? She felt that she was a Native American because of her high cheekbones :rofl:

Frankly, I agree with you. I think race is a total social construct and because it’s a social construct that we all made up it’s time to get rid of the Civil Rights Act.

How can I possibly discriminate against anybody if all this shit is made up!

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No they are not connected. Race is just the color of your skin. Based on the DNA of your parents.

The color of your skin is not directly correlated to how intelligent you are.

“Every time it rains, I need to pee.” Correlation does not equal causation.