Live - Stay Tuned - Trump Re-Election Kick Off Rally

Great post. Thanks.

That’s because it worked like she said.

Don’t you have some Mullah’s ass to go kiss? Aren’t you late for your “I Love Iran” group meeting?

Trump at the Rally:

Exactly, and no small time either. But he knows that that triggers the crowd, who clearly still want him to lock her up, despite the fact he’s already told them that it makes for good campaign rhetoric, but he doesn’t care about that now…

Trump should concentrate on his own defense.

Fox News chief legal analyst Andrew Napolitano laid it out clean…from the Mueller report.

So when Bob Mueller said the president of the United States did about a dozen things to slow down, impede, negate, or interfere with the investigation of his campaign, or of his former national security advisor, Gen. Michael Flynn, that is a serious allegation of criminal activity. So when the president asked his former advisor and my former colleague at Fox News, KT McFarland, to write an untruthful letter to the file, knowing the government would subpoena it, that’s obstruction of justice. When the president asked Corey Lewandowski, his former campaign manager, to get Mueller fired, that is obstruction of justice. When the president asked his then-White House counsel to get Mueller fired and then lie about it, that’s obstruction of justice. When the president asked Don McGahn to go back to the special counsel and change his testimony that’s obstruction of justice. When he dangled the pardon in front of Michael Cohen in order to prevent Cohen from testifying against him that is obstruction of justice. Why not charge him?

LOL!! Two people who are the very reason Trump got elected and will get re-elected, and they don’t even know why. How sadly pathetic.

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What a ridiculous post. Trump does not talk, he accomplishes Deeds. He has given us the lowest unemployment in decades, he is bringing back good jobs not the crappy minimum wage jobs that Obama gave us, he has all but wiped out Isis, and he would have delivered on the wall if it weren’t for traitorous Republicans and sick despicable perverted Democrats. Trump is the greatest president of this century and the last century. Only a moron would not vote for him

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The rally was awesome. So many great moments and highlights. Watching it online was way better than television. Some websites had some great double screens going and other stuff, and commentary to participate in. It was the best political event I have ever seen

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Trump never promised mass deportations and they would violate our constitution so that strawman has already long ago gone up in flames.

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That’s what happens when you are consumed by hate and anger. It eliminates one’s ability to be rational and honest.

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Trump has done a much better job than many of us expected but to claim he’s the best president since 1900 is a pretty ridiculous stretch.

If he’d learn to shut up and someone take away his phone to keep him off of twitter he’d be miles and miles ahead of where he is today.

Trump gives his enemies endless ammo to pound him with and keep stirring the division in America.

I expected it.

Its a subjective opinion, in the eye of the beholder.

I actually like his tweets and his barbs.

I hear you and respect your opinion, but I have to agree with the trumps train. We have waited a long time for someone who fires back and I like that about Trump. What can I say.

No, it’s not subjective. Presidential performance is easily measured by their accomplishments and failures.

You may like the tweets and barbs but all they do is give his enemies ammunition to bury him with and keep the country divided.

If Trump could master Reagan’s ability to bring the country together he’d definitely be one of the greatest presidents in any era but to do that he’d have to check his own ego and need for constant attention and affirmation.

You’re both looking at it emotionally instead of objectively. He triggers emotions that satisfy you but in doing so he harms himself, the conservative movement, and the country in the long run.

He just promised to remove millions of people next week.

Provide the quote in context.

Yes it is. The adjective “greatest” is not a matter of objective fact but rather a matter of subjective opinion.

If I say that KISS is the “greatest” rock and roll band ever, that’s just a subjective opinion. To me they may well be the greatest, to others they may not be.

To some folks Trump is the greatest president ever, to others he is not. Its a matter of subjective opinion. There is no objective fact to prove that either opinion is wrong.


We’re not talking bands, we’re talking presidents.

One is subjective, the other is objective.

There is your context.