šŸ”“ Live Impeachment Thread - Day 4

Because he has done nothing wrong.

The Democrat Party is a sleaze bag full of unethical, Machiavellian people who donā€™t give a shit what their leaders do as long as they win.


You mean the part where he specifically asks for Biden to be investigated. Can you spell impeachā€¦

You are so right, he should have recited word for word from a teleprompter like Obama did.

Keep in mind the people testifying are career government employees.

That is why you see some condemnation of trump and the flip flopping that is going on. To not flip flip flop would result in termination or dead ending their careers when the next party begins its reign.

And that is why the Dems are not getting everything they want nor are the Republicans.

Keep in mind the people testifying are career government employees.

That is why you see some condemnation of trump and the flip flopping that is going on. To not flip flip flop would result in termination or dead ending their careers when the next party begins its reign.

And that is why the Dems are not getting everything they want nor are the Republicans.

Was Clinton abusing an intern using the power of his office???

No itā€™s not, itā€™s sworn testimony.

I suppose that those providing testimony in Ken Starrā€™s impeachment hearing were just expressing opinions right?

Btw, Ken Starā€™s investigation into Clinton began with a real estate transaction and failing to find anything there continued hunting until he found something he could hang on him. And heā€™s now criticizing this impeachment inquiry. :roll_eyes:

But, but what about Quid pro quo, bribery or whatever their little group wants to call it this week??

The dems said it was true.

This is what he wrote down in his feeble attempt at damage control AFTER he learned of the whistleblowers complaint and congresses subsequent investigation into his QPQ.

That part makes sense which really makes this process futile and a waste of tax payers dollars! Itā€™s all about running out the clock, but there is a counter move coming soon and it will be fun watching heads explode when it happens!:rofl:

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You should list everything the Dems and Schiff said so far that turned out not to be true, including the Mueller investigation!

Pretty interesting how the left says nothing about all the lies told in their investigations and can still spout off about Trump.

Of course, because they have a complicit bias media apparatus on their side who are unwilling to call them out!

As Dr Hill made apparent in her testimony today. Trump could have recalled Yavonovich and reassigned her. But no, he had to smear her in his typical nasty misogynistic way, despite a life long stellar career in foreign service. Fuck the clinically obese bastard.

Yet another off topic nasty comment.


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More than one nation meddled in 2016, with help from Democrats

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But itā€™s Trumpā€™s impeachment threadā€¦:man_shrugging: