Larry Johnson. It was Biden’s US that blew up Nordstream

I ask myself the question too.

It is the zeitgeist (German for “spirit of time”) since late 19th century, coinciding with the rise of communism / Marxism.

Rise of satanism?
Is democracy satanism? — I’m afraid so.

I kind of agree… why do you think democracy is satanism?

First off, Plato graded democracy as the lowest form of government.

Secondly, just like communism and Marxism, democracy has Jooish fingerprints all over. Giving criminals and social outcasts equal rights? Political power to the dumbed-down? It CANNOT be good.

Thirdly, the age of democracy coincides with the greatest bloodbaths in human history. WWI, WWII and God knows, WWIII. If this is not satanism, I don’t know what it is.

Yes, but even though we were involved in two of those (yet to be seen about the third) we still weren’t/aren’t a democracy… and neither were those that we weren’t in conflict with.

There is a view that WWI never ended and that WWII was a mere continuation of WWII. And I concur.
By the same token, WWIII will be an extention / continuation of WWII.

We really need to ask ourselves the question: what were WWI and WWII all about?

These horrible wars were about the destruction of the Christian civilization and its carriers, namely Christian Russia and Germany. WWIII will be a total elimination of the Christian civilization in Europe and North America.

Well then, who is the winner(s) of these world wars that started with the creation of the Federal Reserve? Cui bono?

The satanist religion and its believers Christ denounced.
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. (John 8:44)

Who doesn’t read Martin Luther? The Lutherans.
Who doesn’t read the Bible? The Christians.

Lutherans are Christians. Why do you say Christians don’t read the Bible? I certainly do. Not as often as I should, but I do read it.

What’s your understanding of John 8:44?
Have you read Luther’s “On the Joos and their lies”?

I don’t go out of my way to find negative things about jews. Although I find some of the things you post about jews to be interesting… and at times worth investigating, I just don’t have time… or desire to put that much effort into hating a group of people.

As far as John 8:44… Jesus is confronting the religious leaders of the time…Pharisees. You seem to think that is some kind of revelation? Of course all the people he was speaking to were jews. Why do you think that is so enlightening?

I know you seriously dislike jews, but you go a bit far trying to convince the rest of us that they are the entire problem with the world. There are other people besides jews that suck… trust me.

For your information, today’s Judaism is 100% Pharisee. The rabbis are the Pharisee elders.

Ask any orthodox rabbi. He will tell you that their faith is Pharisee Judaism. (Even wikipedia admits it)

I Know that. What does it have to do with all the rest of us? The jews (pharisees) made their bed, so to speak. They can lay in it and deal with the consequences when the time comes. The rest of us gentiles can believe in and follow Jesus or, suffer the same fate as the pharisee jews. I don’t get your fascination with the pharisee jews?

Do you dislike the Messianic jews as well?

I asked you about John 8:44 but your response was incorrect.

By pretending that there are no criminals committing heinous crimes all these years, you are making yourself responsible as well. It’s not the lifestyle Jesus advocated, I presume?

What was incorrect? Was Jesus not speaking to the Pharisees?

No. Jesus is confronting the religious leaders of the Pharisees today.

They advocate the genocide of Christians as well as Palestinians (who we know are descented from ancient Israel and Judea).

Analysis of Trump - Biden debate.
Dem options.

Zelensky calls out for help

On Biden’s performance during the debate.
The choices the Dems have.
NY Times advocates drone strike on Trump?
I’m not surprised if it isn’t fake news.

Several months ago I didn’t know who Larry Johnson was, but he turns out to be a good source of information.

The massacre in Gaza is beyond belief

Trump assassination attempt