Larry Johnson. It was Biden’s US that blew up Nordstream

For months, the Biden administration has tried to build consensus with European allies and other countries to seize the $300 billion. But now that U.S. support for Ukraine is uncertain and funding is stalled in the House of Representatives, the Biden administration is increasing pressure on the EU to unfreeze the funds, says Laurence Tribe, professor of constitutional law emeritus at Harvard University.

The United States is proposing that G7 countries confiscate $300 billion of frozen Russian assets for the benefit of Ukraine. Allies are rushing to coordinate the plan by the second anniversary of Russia’s full-scale invasion, according to the Financial Times.

The agency emphasizes that no decisions have been made yet, and the issue remains under discussion in European capitals. Although no decisions have been made yet, the acceleration of work on confiscating Russian assets for Ukraine indicates the growing importance of this issue.

The United States, with the support of the United Kingdom, Japan, and Canada, proposed to continue preparatory work to have options ready by February 24. Three working groups proposed by the United States will study legal issues regarding confiscation, how to apply confiscated assets, risk reduction, and options for best directing them to Ukraine.

Ukraine got the money but failed to lay mines between Kharkov and the Russian border.

Where did the money go? It went to Zelensky’s pockets.

Zelensky is fair game when his term ends this month.

I’ve been hearing about Ukraine crumbling for some days. How long will it continue to crumble? LOL

Nothing new to add about Ukraine.

Georgia wants to curb the CIA interference (and gets blamed for it).

Why should the US get involved everywhere in the world (Joos in Washinton DC, maybe?), while US cities are crumbling?

Contrary to Johnson’s views, it was FDR who gave the Soviet Union the nuke technology.
From Major Jordan’s Diaries (

Both FDR and Stalin are crypto-Joos. Coincidence?

Shouldn’t the US pay for this as reparation? I think so! Hard to prove?

The west is no match for Russia in terms of weapons, soldiers and military industry.

The US has no defense (over America proper).
Russia will strike back at US proper, if Russia’s red lines are crossed.

Israel wants to kill Palestinians, while pretending to fight Hamas.

Larry Johnson met Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov in St Petersburg.
Russia does not make empty threats.
Blinken, who is running the show behind Biden, is inept.
The US is playing with (nuclear) fire.

Larry Johnson just back from Russia

What’s wrong with America today?
The President is brain-dead.

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In March 2022, Ukraine still had the option to retain Donetsk and Lugansk. But Ukraine foolishly listened to Boris Johnson, a British Joo, and decided to scrap the accord the negotiators initialed in Istanbul.

Two years and three months later, the puppet masters of Ukraine flatly rejected the offer made by Putin.

If Ukraine does not agree to the terms of the ceasefire now, it will lose Odessa, Khakov AND Kiev.

NATO is preparring for a real war with Russia in 3 months?
Can the US fight a war with China at the same time?

The US is losing more “friends” because of its perpetual wars. Sanctions don’t work.

Hezbollah is a formidable army. Genocidal Israel killed defenseless women, childred and babies in Gaza but it won’t be that easy with Hezbollah.

This proves that democracy is a bad system, just like Plato said 2,400 years ago.

We don’t have a democracy… never did.

Two created (or at lease strove to create) the constitutional republic.
Two destroyed the constitutional republic.

Am I right in my assessment?

I suppose that is subjective. It doesn’t change the fact that we are not and never have been a democracy.

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I suppose democracy is a process; more so than the final results.

Results and protection of rights are more important in the constitutional republic for the Founding Fathers. For them, of/by/for the people is an abomination.

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Just so we are clear… I agree with you that a democracy is a bad system. Nothing good ever comes from a mob rules type of deal. The founding fathers knew this. That’s why we have a constitutional republic.

Knowing this… where does all the democracy bullshit come from with the country/citizens?