Ladies and gentlemen, we will be landing in Palestine shortly

Remembering Hamas killing 1200 women and children.

Yours: 16 July 2014

Guess yours justifies 1200.

Israeli soldiers, tanks and helicopters killed most of them. You can’t trust what Joos say.

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Yet you label all of them with your hate filled label.

Prove it.

Perhaps it’s their hate I dislike and their pledge to kill all the people in Israel.

[quote=“tt53, post:79, topic:13063”]
A shade too dark for your likeing ???

Wife and daughter are both minorities of color.

Hamas knew what the response would be, why do you think they did it after 4 years of quiet during the Rump years?
Ever think you are being manipulated by Hamas?

As a side note:

  1. We shouldn’t send a dime to Ukraine.
  2. We shouldn’t send a dime to Israel or the Palestinians.
  3. We should end all foreign aid.

How is it that the US sent billions to Ukraine, causing death and destruction in Ukraine, starting 2014 under the ledership of Victoria Nudelman, the angel of death?

Palestine needs all the aid from the civilized world for having been victimized by evil Gog and Magog, the thieves and murderers from the north (Zionists).

All do-gooder Christians should know that the money they send to Israel is paying for the satanic acts of the most satanic people the world has ever known.

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As they do nothing and produce nothing and are as worthless as you. The ill informed extremist.

Be careful what you say about God’s true people.
Not a good idea to be a flakey of Gog and Magog.
Ezekiel 38


I did the ones that think they are 20 times better than others , reminds you of the Clan KKK

We are in total agreement and we should never send Americans there to fight !

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From David Icke
Bottom line: Zionists don’t care about their fellow Joos. Goy Zionists… You know the answer.

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Palestine’s top exports include1:

  • Fruits and nuts
  • Animal/vegetable fats, oils, waxes
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Stone, plaster, cement, asbestos
  • Vegetables
  • Coffee, tea, spices
  • Vegetable/fruit/nut preparations
  • Aluminum

Other products that Palestine exports include olives, fruit, vegetables, limestone, citrus, flowers, and textiles2. The country mainly exports articles of stone, furniture, plastics, and iron and steel3. The top exports of Palestine are building stone, scrap iron, plastic lids, other furniture, and seats4.

Palestine’s Top 10 Exports

by Daniel Workman

Palestine's flag (courtesy of

Palestine (

Comprised of the Middle Eastern territories known as the West Bank plus the Gaza Strip, the State of Palestine shipped US$94.7 million worth of products around the globe in 2021.

That estimated dollar amount reflects a -91.1% plunge from $1.065 billion 5 years earlier during 2017.

Year over year, the overall value of exported Palestinian goods reduced by -91% compared to $1.055 billion for 2020.

Palestine’s top 3 most valuable exports are dates, olive oil, and medication mixes in dosage. Collectively, that trio of exported products accounted for 69.2% of overall revenues for Palestinian export sales during 2021.

Palestine’s Top Trading Partners

The latest available country-specific data shows that 98% of products exported from Palestine were bought by importers in: Israel (84% of the global total), Jordan (5.4%), United Arab Emirates (1.7%), United States of America (1.4%), Saudi Arabia (1.2%), Turkey (also 1.2%), Kuwait (0.8%), United Kingdom (also 0.8%), Qatar (0.6%), Germany (0.3%), Algeria (0.2%) and Italy (also 0.2%).

The State of Palestine’s population is 5.3 million, comprised of 3.2 million people in the West Bank plus another 2.1 million living in the Gaza Strip. Therefore, Palestine’s total $94.7 million in 2021 exports translates to roughly $25 for every resident in the Middle Eastern country.

Palestine’s unemployment rate was 24% as of July 2022, down from 26.4% one year earlier in July 2021 per Trading Economics.


Palestine’s Top 10 Exports

The following export product groups represent the highest dollar value in Palestinian global shipments during 2021. Also shown is the percentage share each export category represents in terms of overall exports from Palestine.

From the more granular four-digit Harmonized Tariff System code level, monumental or building stone represent Palestine’s most valuable exported product followed by ethylene polymers, virgin olive oil, tobacco cigarettes and fresh or chilled cucumbers.

  1. Fruits, nuts: US$48.5 million (51.2% of total exports)
  2. Animal/vegetable fats, oils, waxes: $15.7 million (16.6%)
  3. Pharmaceuticals: $6.2 million (6.5%)
  4. Stone, plaster, cement, asbestos: $4.2 million (4.5%)
  5. Vegetables: $4.1 million (4.3%)
  6. Coffee, tea, spices: $2.6 million (2.7%)
  7. Vegetable/fruit/nut preparations: $1.8 million (1.9%)
  8. Aluminum: $1.5 million (1.6%)
  9. Raw hides, skins not furskins, leather: $891,000 (0.9%)
  10. Cereal/milk preparations: $871,000 (0.9%)

Palestine’s top 10 exports generated 91.1% of the overall value of overall Palestinian global shipments in 2021.

Fruits and nuts was the lone gainer among the top 10 export categories, up by 8.8% from 2020 to 2021.

The leading decliner among the top 10 Palestinian export categories was stone, plaster, cement and asbestors which shrank by -97.2% outpacing Palestine’s sales of expor0074ed aluminum (down -95.6%) and vegetable, fruit or nut preparations (down -87.5%).

At the more detailed 4-digit Harmonized Tariff System code level, the most lucrative exports from Palestine are dates (46.5% of Palestine’s worldwide total), olive oil (16.2%), medication mixes in dosage (6.5%), monument or building stones including related artwork (3.5%), frozen fruits and nuts (2.7%), spices (2.6%), fresh or chilled miscellaneous vegetables (2%), and miscellaneous nuts (1.9%).

Products Attracting Palestine’s Best Trade Surpluses

The following types of Palestinian product shipments represent positive net exports or a trade balance surplus. Investopedia defines net exports as the value of a country’s total exports minus the value of its total imports.

In a nutshell, net exports represent the amount by which foreign spending on a home country’s goods or services exceeds or lags the home country’s spending on foreign goods or services.

  1. Fruits, nuts: US$47 million (Reversing a -$94.9 million deficit in 2020)
  2. Raw hides, skins not furskins, leather: $573,000 (Reversing a -$5.3 million deficit)
  3. Collector items, art, antiques: $550,000 (Reversing a -$71,000 deficit)
  4. Lead: $401,000 (Down by -51.2% from 2020)
  5. Cork , articles of cork: $42,000 (Reversing a -$122,000 deficit)
  6. Woodpulp: $12,000 (Reversing a -$470,000 deficit)

Palestine has highly positive net exports in the international trade of fruits and nuts, notably dates and almonds.

Products Causing Palestine’s Worst Trade Deficits

Palestine incurred an overall -$1.04 billion product trade deficit for 2021, down by -79.2% from -$5 billion in red ink one year earlier in 2020.

Below are exports from Palestine that result in negative net exports or product trade balance deficits. These negative net exports reveal product categories where foreign spending on home country Palestine’s goods trail Palestinian importer spending on foreign products.

  1. Vehicles: -US$186.1 million (Down by -12.2% since 2020)

  2. Pharmaceuticals: -$109.3 million (Down by -42.2%)

  3. Cereal/milk preparations: -$76.3 million (Down by -49.0%)

  4. Machinery including computers: -$66.4 million (Down by -71.5%)

  5. Electrical machinery, equipment: -$50.1 million (Down by -82.1%)

  6. Milling products, malt, starches: -$41.1 million (Down by -42.8%)

  7. Tobacco, manufactured substitutes: -$38.0 million (Down by -79.2%)

  8. Optical, technical, medical apparatus: -$37.4 million (Down by -62.1%)

  9. Sugar, sugar confectionery: -$29.2 million (Down by -59.2%)

  10. Vegetable/fruit/nut preparations: -$27.6 million (Down by -39.2%)

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Palestine has highly negative net exports and therefore deep international trade deficits under the vehicles category, led by cars, trucks, and automotive parts or accessories.

Palestinian Export Companies

Not one Palestinian corporation ranks among Forbes Global 2000.

Wikipedia lists exports-related companies from Palestine. Selected examples are shown below.


  • Cremisan Cellars (winery)

  • Jawwal (cellular network products)

  • Lone Tree Brewery (beer, other beverages)

  • Paltel (telecommunications)

  • Sinokrot (food products, bottling)

  • Taybeh Brewery (beer, other beverages)

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The six corporations that own the majority of the news media in the United States are: AT&T, CBS, Comcast, Disney, News Corp, and Viacom 1234. These conglomerates control a large number of media outlets, including newspapers, television networks, radio stations, and online news sources. It’s important to note that independent media outlets still exist, but the major outlets are almost all owned by these six conglomerates 5.
The concentration of media ownership can have a significant impact on the quality and diversity of news coverage. When a small number of corporations control the majority of media outlets, there is a risk that the news will be biased towards the interests of those corporations, rather than providing an objective and diverse range of perspectives 1. Critics argue that this can lead to a lack of diversity in the news, with fewer voices and opinions being represented 1. In addition, media consolidation can lead to a reduction in the number of journalists and newsrooms, which can limit the resources available for investigative reporting and local news coverage

Billionaires = jowish bias as hell .

What’s their major industry??? Truth hurts.

UN report: 80% of Gaza inhabitants relied on international aid before war

100% of Israelis depend on American aid

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What is Israel’s the American taxpayer ???

So why is it the USA gives way more aid to Israel than ANY other Country on earth ? If they are as productive as you claim they shouldn’t receive ANY aid !!! :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

Maybe they should try not voting in terrorists as their representatives and then supporting their terroristic actions I struggled to have sympathy

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They have the strongest lobbying groups and they have a very high in group preference and even for a little bit of gain for Israel they don’t care if it damages other nations massively that’s why they received the most money


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Brother Nathanael
The ■■■■■■ Murder Machine | Real ■■■ News

Guess you missed by previous comment.