Ladies and gentlemen, we will be landing in Palestine shortly

Im sure it was like a 4Seasons hotel before going to Palastine( Israel)

That’s why they needed to be arrested, put in camps temporarily and shipped piecemeal to Palestine.

Zionist leaders loved it, but the British objected to this transfer because the majority of Joos were pro-German.

The Brits feared that whole Jooish Palestine would become a German satellite.

By the way, what was Auschwitz really like?

International aid to Gaza is the only process that ensures its survival. This rather strange situation has no equivalent in any other place in the world except for the scientists living in Antarctica. Gazans are the most welfare-dependent population in the known universe, producing nothing except a few vegetables. And yet nobody asks why. Every last Gazan would go elsewhere in the world if this aid stopped.

If they go out fishing on their fishing boats, Israeli air force will attack them.

You seem to be accusing the prison population in Sing Sing that they are not very productive.

So we agree the Palestinian population has increased that doesn’t happen under genocide

You have zero credibility how can you claim Palestine is a prison but then at the same time claim that ■■■■ during the Holocaust had brothels swimming pools tennis courts and music bands? Seriously what is the matter with you

The Israeli government has declared a genocidal war on the people of Gaza. As an organization that works for a future where Palestinians and Israelis and all people live in equality and freedom, we call on all people of conscience to stop imminent genocide of Palestinians.

■■■■■■ Voice for Peace mourns deeply for the over 1,200 Israelis killed, the families destroyed, including many of our own, and fears for the lives of Israelis taken hostage. Many are still counting the dead, looking for missing loved ones, devastated by the losses…

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LOL, you miss he point as usual. They are a welfare state with ZERO industry.

By design, just like the Zionists and their cohorts want it.

I doubt it. Arab kids playing succer on the beach getting mowed down by the air force hardly qualifies it.

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Israel have the backing of the American military which means they could basically wipe out the entire Palestinian population within a week probably less to be honest yet there is still a intact and growing Palestinian population

Why are there recent videos of Palestinians holding fake babies claiming they are two month old at dead grandsons? Similar to the Americans that are constantly looking for racists and white supremacists supply outweighs demand

You want black supremacists? What about moving to the Bronx?

Or are Jooish supremacists to your liking? I can recommend a couple of places.

Very intelligent and grown up I’m proud of you you are the perfect example of what happens to someone who hates things more than they love things you hate ■■■■■■ people more than you love your own family because if you love your family more you would sort out your mental health problems and become a productive member of society instead of watching hours of videos about how ■■■■■■ people are evil

Yep , the joos acquired the most modern weaponry on earth from the USA . All the joos need to do is turn up the screws on the Palestinians and make them suffer more until they react then that the excuse to mow them all down similar what what is happening in the last 3 weeks . All planned !!!
joos went from 870,000 to 8,300,000 since 1948 they need more land so take it all say the CHOSEN ONES .

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ROTFLMO. There is no industry there as the people are lazy and non productive. Business isn’t stupid enough to put industry in a terrorist nation.

LOL, the lies you spew rivals Biden’s is in number.

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How’s the hate working for you???

You are worse than the KKK.

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But the Palestinians were informed to leave the area before the bombing started on the other hand the Israeli were not giving such warning

Remembering Israel’s Killing of Four Children on the Beach in Gaza - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Why thanks for your evaluation of my likes and hates .
I guess I have to continue to repeat myself to those that judge others by standards they rarely live up to . :confused: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:
I do NOT hate all joos just the ones that feel they are 20 times better than ALL others !!!
Let’s try to remember who OWNS 98% of the media in the USA - 6 very large CORPORATIONS and joos own 70% of them , so the mainstream totally bias media is frantically trying to paint Isreal the VICTIM !!!
So why do YOU hate the Palestinians ? A shade too dark for your likeing ???

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Try moving hospitalize women ,children and infants in critical condition hundreds of miles in 24 hours all 2.200,000 of them . MOVE THEM WHERE ???