‼ Ketanji Brown Jackson nominated to Supreme Court **UPDATE** LIVE CONFIRMATION Hearing

Biden’s latest token nomination is Kentanji Brown Jackson for the SCOTUS. What a joke!

Another fat racist ugly woman with a Marxist bent from Harvard.

This gastropod’s confirmation hearing will be just like that:

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voter suppression, George Floyd, George Floyd, Rodney King, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, African American, justice, justice, racism, racism, racism, justice, racism, African American, justice, justice, voter suppression, White supremacists, White supremacists, Rodney King, Rodney King,
voter suppression, George Floyd, George Floyd, Rodney King, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, African American, justice, justice, racism, racism, racism, justice, racism, African American, justice, justice, voter suppression, racism, racism, racism, voter suppression, voter suppression, racism, White supremacists, White supremacists, Rodney King, Rodney King, voter suppression, George Floyd, George Floyd, Rodney King, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, African American, justice, justice, racism, racism, racism, justice, racism, African American, justice, justice, voter suppression, White supremacists, White supremacists, Rodney King, Rodney King, voter suppression, George Floyd, George Floyd, Rodney King, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, African American, justice, justice, racism, racism, racism, justice, racism, African American, justice, justice, voter suppression, Racism, racism, racism, voter suppression, voter suppression, racism, White supremacists, White supremacists, Rodney King, Rodney King,
voter suppression, George Floyd, George Floyd, Rodney King, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, African American, justice, justice, racism, racism, racism, justice, racism, African American, justice, justice, voter suppression, White supremacists, White supremacists, Rodney King, Rodney King,
voter suppression, George Floyd, George Floyd, Rodney King, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, African American, justice, justice, racism, racism, racism, justice, racism, African American, justice, justice, voter suppression, Martell and Coke, Martel and Coke, Hennessy and Coke, Coke and Hennessy.

Confirmation Hearing set for Monday the 21st 2022!


Dems guilty of their KKK past and millionaire dems with white privilege . More racist anti-white on the Court . What a shame !!! :clown_face: :poop: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


This is interesting. This POS had several cases overturned due to judicial overreach. This person should not be nominated and the confirmation process should be an interesting one. Watch life loafers Lindsey Graham be a yes on this!

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Defended Guantanamo Bay terrorists

A more accurate headline would be Barack Obama and James Clyburn nominate Ketanji Brown-Jackson to the U.S. Supreme Court, but details, details.

As we outlined since January 6, 2021, the nomination of Judge Brown-Jackson to the Supreme Court was a foregone conclusion, the only issue was the timing {GO DEEP}. The 10th Anniversary of Trayvon Martin provides the opportunity. Additionally, in order for Obama/Clyburn to get to KBJ, they had to shift Merrick Garland out of his judicial chair. That’s the largest part of the reason why we have Attorney General Merrick Garland.

All of the political moves follow a pattern and script, you just need a solid mental reference library to see them. The game is rigged folks, and the most accurate definition of the ‘business of DC politics ‘ is the strategic presentation of an illusion of choice.

KBJ was put into the planning book back in February 2020, yes, 2020!

It was February 25th, 2020, to be precise, just four days before the South Carolina Democrat primary. South Carolina Representative James Clyburn went backstage at the presidential debate and told Biden, “ You’ve had a couple of opportunities to mention naming a Black woman to the Supreme Court, ” Clyburn lectured his friend of nearly half a century, like a schoolteacher scolding a child. “ I’m telling you, don’t you leave the stage tonight without making it known that you will do that. ” {link}

Unbeknownst to Biden at the time, just two days earlier Barack Obama and James Clyburn came to an agreement and created the most consequential alliance of the 2020 Democrat campaign. Barack Obama the figurative and ideological leader of the movement known as “Black Lives Matter”, and James Clyburn the figurative and ideological leader of the political construct within the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) church, had struck a deal.

Obama and Clyburn really had no choice but to come to an agreement and form the alliance. If they did not act fast, Bernie Sanders was gaining momentum, and they could not have Sanders at the top of the 2020 ticket, because he was too outside the club system which was now almost exclusively focused on racial identity as a tool for political power.

A Bernie Sanders -vs- Donald Trump general election would have been a disaster; and it would be almost impossible for the racial operatives in the key precincts [Atlanta (GA), Philly ¶, Clark County (NV), Wayne County (Mich), Madison (WI)] to feel inspired enough to risk themselves and commit fraud to help Bernie win.

To get rid of Sanders, BLM and AME aligned. This was the actual moment when Hillary Clinton was cast into the pit of irrelevance in Democrat politics.

Within the agreement, Obama and Clyburn selected Biden as the tool they could easily control to deliver on their larger, progressive, leftist intentions.

A few days later, James Clyburn then endorsed Biden while Barack Obama began making phone calls telling each of the other candidates to drop out in sequence and support Biden or else the club would destroy them. The only one told not to drop out yet was Elizabeth Warren, as she would be needed as the insurance policy, the splitter against Bernie Sanders.

Each of the candidates was promised the traditional indulgences for toeing the party line, and the rest is history. Joe Biden wandered around doing what everyone told him to do, which was mostly stay in his basement and let the club work on his behalf, until the club delivered the nomination.

Inside that process, the strategic map was modified to ensure Ketanji Brown-Jackson would advance to the Supreme Court.

With Biden installed, he would select Merrick Garland as his Attorney General. Judge Garland was an important judge on the important DC Circuit Court. Garland’s replacement would need to be a Senate confirmed seat for that court. Brown-Jackson would be put into Garland’s open spot. {Go Deep}

As a standalone Supreme Court nominee, Brown-Jackson would have been a radical pick. Justice Brown-Jackson is a known activist in the DC District Court; however, with this maneuver she could get through nomination easier and then sit on the highest court for thirty years.

Once Brown-Jackson was Senate confirmed for the DC Circuit Court, the countdown began until she was elevated as a Supreme Court nomination to replace Justice Stephen Bryer, now 83-years-old. The Senate has no political ammunition to block or not confirm the radical SCOTUS pick, because she was confirmed a few months before with support from Republicans.

Now lets look at the RINO’s chiming in shall we?



Three RATS :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Three disgusting rats that need to go!


Confirmation hearing happening live now!

This is good work in outing Biden sham SCOTUS nomination

Anyone that remotely opposes her confirmation will be immediately crucified by the press as Racist, Anti Woman and anything else they can dream up regardless of the truth.
By the way , how many Republicans Senators are up for Reelection.

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This should be disqualifying!

Dems don’t need any Republican help with this but they’ll get some….She’s qualified and she’ll be in…

Oh please STFU! You approve of leniency for Child sex offenders? Pretty much par for the course for idiots like you!

Holy fuck! This shit is straight up from the Marxist playbook! In all the years of female judges appearing for their confirmation hearings this is definitely a first and historical! Certainly ironic to have a full day of encomium to Jackson being the first black woman nominated for the job, capped by Jackson saying she doesn’t know what a woman is. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

SEN. BLACKBURN: “Can you provide a definition of the word ‘woman’?”

JACKSON: “No, I can’t”

BLACKBURN: “You can’t?”

JACKSON: “I’m not a biologist”