Kamala is After Your Guns!

Indeed. Think I talked myself into the 3 series. I’ll get a ZTrack zero turn as well for the lawn. :wink:

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I’m with you on that.

As long as you’re not building a mansion, it’s a good idea.

Yes, away from urban centers.
But the government did come to Ruby Ridge with snipers and a helicopter.

Yes Dem states are lost and the only hope will be a non-Dem President in DC.

But it will get ugly in the US due to constant lies from mainstream media which sheeple believe to be true.
Therefore, education of sheeple is effective, but it takes time.

If you let loose the foul-mouthed agents of the left (who only pretend to be patriotic), sheeple will support the left out of disgust.

Nice! There is nothing more godly than tilling the land from sunrise to sundown. My only regret in life is not choosing to be a farmer. It’s the most noble of all professions.

That cabin was indefensible and the FBI had ever possible advantage.

Like I was saying, guns in private hands may be a deterrent, but for a serious government assault, they are useless.

The 2nd never intended to allow a small group to compete with the government. 100,000,000 armed Americans… that’s a different damn story.


A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Exactly right.
Weapons “evolved” over the years.

They don’t your AR-15s.

They want to kill your family.

The AR-15 is just an obstacle.