Never watched it. Can’t usually get it through them.
I wouldn’t be so sure about that!
I do think if Trump wins again, the gloves will come off and he’ll get rough with these little twerps.
The only way Trump wins in a landslide is if Barr acts to hold people accountable responsible for spygate! If he fails to deliver kiss the country goodbye! You can’t claim to be for rule of law then fail to apply that same standard to all no matter what their political standing is!
Never gonna happen. That fat turd isn’t going to do a fucking thing.
Well, its been nice knowing you if that turns out to be true! I stand by my statement!
You guys are forgetting Ruby Ridge.
No matter how many guns you have, they come after you with more fire power.
It’s time to scale down, rather than to expand your property and possessions which can easily be taken away.
If you have a kamikaze spirit and are ready to die for what you believe in, that’s fine.
Oh please save you stupid splaining BS for your comrades! How much land do you own Einstein? Do you even know how to handle and shoot a gun? Answer is nope!
I beg to disagree. She follows a very clear-cut agenda.
Exactly. The more yell and scream, the more poplar communist Dems will be, because average folks are sick and tired of your ilk.
No! You a non American who by virtue of your background is practically a socialist and you want to come here on a thread that is mostly an American issue wanting to give us advice. That is pretty rich and hypocritical coming from you! You don’t pay American taxes, you are not a citizen, nor have any vested interest in our issues, as usual you are here to hear yourself talk, and it is we that are sick and tired of people like you talking your nonsense here! How is it that you can give advice on security when you have no experience in self defense? No wonder why most here think that you are a moron, you simply can’t see how foolish you make yourself look by posting such bullshit!
We’re forgetting nothing. The purpose of the guns is to remove government if it gets too tyrannical. Some is always tolerated, it has to get pretty bad to get people to push back with their lives. 100,000,000 armed Americans is the goal. As to property and possessions, no it’s NOT time to downscale. Today is time to have property so you can grow your own food. Keeping it fairly remote is also ideal. Guns are there to protect it from thugs and as a last case scenario, against government tyranny but as pointed out in Federalist 46, the state and local governments would provide us a mechanism to coordinate a response to the Feds going tyrannical. Obviously the state governments in Libtard cities won’t be much help but it wouldn’t be a stretch to make things so painful on the Feds that they would be forced to concede. Countries like Venezuela didn’t have that option because they removed the guns. Now they’re just at the mercy of the Feds.
You are wasting your time explaining to someone who for one has no clue when it comes to self defense and what it means to own personal property, and is not even remotely rooted in reality. This is the same person who doesn’t believe people should own houses or have personal choices when buying a car, or use currency to buy things, the same person who finds a conspiracy theory in every issue looking for a reason to always blame it on the Joooooooooos!
Even safety aside, 4 acres of property is a hell of a thing for a man to own. I’m building my own garage out there and saving a ton of money doing it… the savings is paying for THIS.
That is awesome! Defend it at all costs! There is nothing like own your own land! You are near Houston, I have an aunt on my Mothers side that lives just outside of Houston. Nice country! Texas is high on my list of places I would consider opening up a business in, but people are telling me its not what it used to be due to all the Californians moving there. That the state is actually turning more purple by the day!
Naw, it’s still pretty damn conservative. If you get out of the city limits, it’s hard red for the most part. Yeah, these dipshits voted for Beto in Harris county but I think that’s going to self correct this cycle. I saw a pile of Beto signs last time out, I haven’t seen one Biden sign yet. That said, my property is 45 minutes northwest of Houston, even though I’m still in town. We’re going to build out there in about 10 years but I’m putting up a garage that I can put my CNC router into. If I can build my business enough, I’m just going to leave the oil field.
Sure as hell not Austin or San Antone Huh? Yeah Beto, that guy is a moron! Glad he was nipped in the bud early! So you getting a John Deer?