Joe Biden Deflects Questions From The Press, Stays Silent On Criminal Investigation Of Hunter Biden

Starting January 20th - only on Fox… The rest are little more than Biden’s sycophants, and you know it.

And for the last four years it was the other way around, that’s how left and right media cover events according to their bias…

Monte better have a good food source, squirrels nut up for the winter, because things are just getting started! :rofl: :rofl:

Nope! Biden is not going to be president! Stock up on necessities, especially popcorn!

ROTFLMAO. Only on certain topics or people.

I really–seriously–have no idea just what you might mean by “a normal world.”

But perhaps you might explain it to me.

And I also am not sure what the antecedent of “such things” may be.

Oh, an addendum: You might try being civil–as I have been all along. (And such rage-filled terms as “retrumplicans” are not helpful, in this regard.)

Lol, retrumplicans are the 70% of republicans that have said they would follow trump to a new party. Nothing uncivil about that. The old Republican Party is gone…

Why won’t Joe take questions from the growing pro American media?

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That’s funny! There is no way he got that many (legitimate) votes, and you know it…lol. This has been the most obvious set up/scam in election history. You won… but not really. After Jan. 6 you find out just how much you lost… or are going to lose. This will be fun to sit back and watch the decimation of America… but, that’s what you want.

No, but they do their damnedest!

No, actually I do not know that. Nor do you, the only thing you and I know is what we’re told because we certainly had no part in the ballot processing. The difference between us is that I listened to what the states governors and state SOS’s said. I listened to what the stare election managers said. I listened to what Trumps DHS, CISA and DOJ/AG said. I listened to what 50 odd state, district and federal courts said, what state supreme courts and the United States Supreme Court said…

Whereas you have listened to what trump and his league of conspiracy theorists have said…:man_shrugging:

Not really…

One day you will learn that having a discussion or attempting to hav a discussion with Monte is beyond hopeless as h listens but does not hear ad is totally unwilling to believe anything other than what h is instructed to live.

Minion comes to mind.


Yes… I have encountered his type on other forums. I figured I would try since I’m new here, but it’s the same old thing when trying to “discuss” anything with Liberals. Nothing matters but “Trump hate” to them. It’s impossible to have a civil discourse with a Liberal. They are all about love, tolerance and acceptance… unless you disagree with them…lol.

It seems Biden is already experiencing the tolerance and love from his own party, and he isn’t even POTUS yet…lol. This is going to be fun to watch!

I find the hypocrisy of the left amazing.

Biden claims he wants to unite the country and you see his cabinet picks and have to laugh at his idea of unity.

Guess you have to please the base first, the country second.

So much for unity as we see more of the same or you could say, Obama’s 3rd term.

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Since I am quite unaware of anything called a “retrumplican”–it is evidently just a made-up word–I have no way of responding adequately.

Please stick to dictionary words, so that we may have a civil discourse.

Of course it’s a made up word, as any word originated. And it will soon be in the dictionary…

Civil discourse with la monte’, ROTFLMAO.


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You seriously think that "retrumplican will “soon be in the dictionary”?

(Evidently, you imagine that the dictionary is the creation of Trump haters…and, or course, of Trump-supporter haters…)