Jesus Christ spoke Greek

Oh yeah?
Did I say the whole megillah was written by one guy?

You said it was written in Hebrew when in fact most of it is in Aramaic, some in Greek and some in Hebrew.

You then went on to demonstrate even more ignorance and foolishness.

“The majority of the Dead Sea Scrolls are in Hebrew, with some fragments written in the ancient paleo-Hebrew alphabet thought to have fallen out of use in the fifth century BC.”

The Bible is partly in Aramaic as well, in case you didn’t know.

(I know you gonna say, Of course I knew)

Well yes it’s common knowledge to anyone that ever studied the bible even casually that it too was written in Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek.

The nationalities of the authors is all one needs to be aware of to know that.

The common language at the time was Ancient Greek most everyone spoke it. The very first translation of the Hebrew Bible was into Greek. The New Testament was first written in Greek. Then latter translated into other languages.


Absolute truth.
Greek was spoken far and wide in those days, including parts of Central Asia.

I don’t know a whole lot about the Bible, I’ve read most of it and found it to be rather confusing. I do know that parts of the Bible were written well after the fact, and that leaves me a little suspicious.


Most of the NT was compiled by authors who didn’t know or in many cases who were not even alive during Christ’s time on earth.

The deciples all wrote many letters to congregations in different parts of the then “known world”.

Those letters were later compiled by church officials and historians and then became the books of the NT.

Where they all divinely inspired and sanctified? I doubt it but they are the best records available to us from the time.

The Apocrypha makes for very good reading as well.

And there you have it…

The Book of Revelation , often called the Revelation to John , the Apocalypse of John , The Revelation , or simply Revelation

was actually a compilation of ancient Greek prophecies much older than the date of the New Testament compilation. Names, etc., were changed to matched the Christian dogma.

Well there’s certainly no evidence to support that claim.

We Know St. John lived and was a disciple of Christ.

There are similar prophecies from many cultures and religions and it’s not at all surprising particularly if they were divinely inspired.

John would have had no opportunity to read much if anything from other cultures at the time except perhaps the Greeks.

I have come to understand that if people would just follow the Ten Commandments life would be much simpler and there would be a lot less fighting and bloodshed. Ten simple rules as far as I am concerned covers it all.

The Bibles and yes there are many within the Christian Faith are all somewhat different. The Catholics thought they were smart by altering the Bible when they translated it. Words were added that had no relation in translation to the original language. The original text does not have “holy catholic” anywhere nor even relate to it. We can only guess what else they changed.

Even if you throw out the worship and practice commandments commandments the rest would eliminate about 90% or more of all crime.

Can’t disagree with you on that either…

“Original sin” was invented by the Church.
Never mentioned in the Bible.
It was for mind control. Control by guilt.

Many Christians are suckered because they feel “guilty” about persecution of ■■■■ (who were criminals).

Read the story of Adam and Eve, the Serpent and the Tree of Knowledge and get back to us on that.

Stop derailing your own thread out of embarrassment.

It’s mytholigy, nothing about it is based in reality. Otherwise yes, religion is the opiate of the people.

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It’s no fun to be told that your very existence is sinful, would’t you agree?

It’s not just the Catholics, but the whole believers in Church-anity (I explained that, didn’t I?) are prone to mind control by “sin” and “guilt”

Sure, I agree, but never believed the nonsense anyway.

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You have of course no factual basis for the claim but then considering the source that’s to be expected.