Is Civilized Society in the Early Stages of Breaking Down?

And may I add that to a certain community(s), this phenomenon has been exacerbated by the enabling welfare state. Keep in mind that this whole “Mouse experiment” is one big social welfare state experiment (free food, free living quarter, protection of predators / competition), if you look at it from a socioeconomic stand point.

Great addition btw.

Absolutely correct… …

Thank you. You read well.

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What was given away is a three letter word: “J. O. B. S.”


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Thank you, Thank you again Uncle Joe for a line that will live forever in the memory of Americans!

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…said the 1st century Roman soldier.
…said the 19th century British sailor.
…said the 20th century American neocon
…said the 21st century lib.

Ho hum.


As preached of course by those minions leaders yet none of them accomplished it and all have faded into history as examples of grand failure.

Thanks. I sometimes get paid to proofread articles and scientific papers for continuity, grammar, spelling…or all three.

And that’s all Obama’s fault…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Naaaa… give the man some RSPECT

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Where the hell did that comment come from?

Dodging a direct answer?

Where have you been? That is Montecrusty’s MO. Always has been a has been when it comes to making anything into a thoughtful intelligent post based on a honest disposition!

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Along the latter is what I would attributed this disposition and self loathing to submitting to nihilistic purveyance that the post modern paradigm nurtured into being by-products of late capitalism.

Just calling it out for all to see.


Again, jobs started leaving America in the 80’s, why are you blaming it all on Obama? :man_shrugging:

Well that certainly isn’t true, they began leaving in huge numbers in the 70’s with the passage of the clean air and water acts.

Yeah, Hitler had that effect.

And so was Churchill. Your example focused on the bad leaders. Mine focused on the good. But everyone held their breath, wondering who would prevail.

In our present case, the world is holding its breath, waiting to see if Trump is going to undo the damage that Obama did with his apologies and divisive anti-American rhetoric.


It’s not all that, there’s endless gratuitous wars hugely contributing to that.