Iran is a paper tiger and not a regional power

More completely unsupportable conspiracy nut BS.

We did nothing because responding properly would have been an admission to his failed ME policy of appeasement and empowerment of the Jihadis.

It also showed just how badly he’d botched it in not jumping in with both feet to remove Q’daffi immediately once he determined to support Q’s ouster.

Our failure to act decisively and quickly is what allowed those terrorists to get control of Libya and why they still do.

Iran would make a nice parking lot , and we are the one’s that can make it possible !!! :thinking:

And then Reagan went on to give support to Iran by violating the embargo against them and selling them arms.

BS, we sold them outdated missiles that were as likely to kill Iranians as they were Iraqis. Win Win, plus we got to finance our operations in Central America with Iranian oil money.

Right. Kill Muslims. Israel is great!

Time will tell.

If the US military is coming back in body bags in large numbers, the US President will have to stop any aggression.

What are you, the “palestinian” Tokyo Rose?

Nobody is buying your BS except idiots and those who share your love of Nazis and Terrorists.

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Hilarious, you didn’t even watch your own cited video did you?

The video clearly states the US cannot stomach its losses of life. (Not verbatim)

No it doesn’t, what it mainly focuses on is the substandard Iranian Airforce that would be wiped out in the first 24-48 hours.

Nobody is suggesting we invade and that’s the only way we’d sustain any substantial casualties.

“The US public loses its appetite after losses and ends the war.”

Now, cite the whole sentence.

He said the only hope Iran would have is “IF the US public loses it’s appetite after losses and ends the war”

What feakin’ difference does it make?
The US cannot stomach losses of life. Period.
Glad you watched the video. Finally.

I watched the damned video before you posted it.

As for what we can or can’t stomach you have no clue. It was pure supposition on his part.

The first part is usually the easy part. But look at Iraq and A-Stan. Remember, the neocon freaks pushing Trump are long term advocates of Iranian regime change, that does require boots on the ground and Iran has a much better and larger military than Iraq had. And then you also have to factor in Iran’s ally’s China and Russia, and what their response may be to another gratuitous US (or US led) regime change war.

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The only boots on the ground it requires are the locals once we’ve destroyed the IRG and their offensive capability.

That and a few SOF’s to organize and train the resistance which would immediately go on the attack against the Mullahs.

The only reason the Jihaidst Muslims remain in power is the fact the population is disarmed.

Now that’s funny. The 1979 revolution was a result of the CIA regime change in 1953. USFP, has toppled dictatorships and democracies alike.

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And carter caved, which only empowered the Mullahs and then did nothing to stop their export of terror.

He abdicated his responsibility and thousand of Americans have died since as a result.

If you had a legitimate argument you would not have to resort constantly to lies and then try to backpeddle when called on them.

The studies all stated that they were referencing a Wars in Eastern Asian and Europe, and there was no such statement that the US could not take the losses, only speculation as to one thing that could contribute to an enemy win IF it happened.

This war will not be fought in the forests of Europe or Jungles of Asia, it will be fought on the waters of the gulf and Arabian Sea, and the Deserts of Iran where nothing can hide from US military and Intel assets.

This war will not be a ground war either as those gamers were “playing” either.