Impeachment Trial - Live Stream Official Thread

It is the democrats invalidating the will of the people.

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I wonder if his picture spoiled the milk!!!

Sorry everyone, the impeachment trial has been replaced with the normal soap opera schedule as the network makes more in advertising.

Guess people are not really that interested.

Ok - so let the Republicans call the Bidens as witnesses. To call either Biden would be to open the floodgates to relevant witnesses, or to make it even more clear that this is an attempt to cover for Trump ā€“ and that would backfire on them. I hope they do it. The American people want to hear from the witnesses. All of them.

Biden is about to be arrested. Before the weekend is over one or both of the Biden boys will be in cuffs. Just watch. The Democrats entire narrative falls apart if Biden is guilty, which he as. The Presidentā€™s defense will lay out all the evidence Rudy found, this is not some bogus conspiracy theory like Schifty wants you to believe. Trump is about to win again. SURPRISE!

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ā€¦and here we go again with Shitty Schiff paraphrasing the call transcript.

Schiff is without doubt the sleaziest liar in Congress.

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The scariest part is that people actually voted for this creep so what does that say about them?

Useful idiots will keep voting for sorry assholes time after time after time. They are either unaware of how sleazy and harmful these professional politicians are, know how sleazy their are but donā€™t really care, or they condone everything they do whether it is sleazy or not.

Maxine Waters has such a following, as does Nancy Pelosi.

Only a true idiot would respect these people enough to vote for them a second time.

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Oh this is gold! After DIFICHI left during Adam Schiffs speech, he became butthurt and is now threatening Senators if anyone leaving prison time!


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Marsha Blackburn left proceedings to tweet attacks on an active duty American serviceman, still in the employ of NSC. He has bled for this country, neither Blackburn or any of her children have even served. Itā€™s quite amazing watching Trumperā€™s follow In Trumpā€™s example of smearing veteransā€¦

The head impeachment manager is wrecking Trump.

Trump Nemesis Schiff Draws Praise for Impeachment Performance

The Democrats are desperately trying to use up all of their 24 hoursā€¦while they have the nation as an audience.

Have you ever heard a person talk as S L O W L Y as the bitch that just then shut up?

And now comes another slow talkinā€™ weaselā€¦repeating what the last one said.

The Dems have run out of things to sayā€¦so they repeat themselvesā€¦just to use the soapbox.

No, heā€™s going to get off by the majority in the senateā€¦

If Schiff is more than she can stomach, it tells quite a bit about just how bad this is.

Especially, considering she could stomach the part she played in the smear of Kavanaugh.

She had to go home and change her Depends. He bored the shit out of her.


Clever. Give that to @AlexC :rofl:

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The same technique that mockingbird media uses!

Meanwhile this just came in:

Unforced error by Schiff pisses off Murkowskiā€¦

Yeah I read somewhere, someone saying she left early because she wanted to stay dry. :laughing: :laughing: