Impeachment Trial - Live Stream Official Thread

The fact is the Starr report documented 12 felonies committed by President Clinton. Neither Mueller nor the House articles of impeachment allege a crime by President Trump. Resistance Democrats are the first to impeach a President where there is no underlying crime and on a strictly party line vote. What a proud legacy. :roll_eyes:

Dershowitz argued against the impeachment of Clinton on the grounds of insufficiency, the same argument he will present in opposition to Trumpā€™s impeachment. But yeah, heā€™s a hypocrite. :wink:

You nailed it, the Rā€™s have been doing this since the Civil War over 150 years now which has emboldened the leftist Democrats and corrupted DC to become the filthy rancid swamp it is today with the worst of the scumbags being the seditious Democrats.

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Any documents or witnesses that Moscow Mitch and crew refuse to allow in the Senate needs to be publicly subpoenaed in the House where the Dems hold the majority. Make sure the American people know what the corrupt GOP is trying to hide!

Donā€™t worry. I think the pressure will continue to build. I think weā€™ll get witnesses. That resolution Moscow Mitch released lasted about ten minutes.

A vote against witnesses and a vote to acquit will look far worse for any GOP candidate than a vote to support the Iraq war has looked for various Democrats.

Trump is wrapping all who support him in a blanket of complicity.

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The live stream at the top is a nice touch (even though itā€™s FOX :face_vomiting:) . Thank you for putting in what was likely a lot of work to make that possible for us. Too bad all of these conservatives donā€™t appreciate it. They apparently like to ā€œconserveā€ what is in their wallets a little too much while they catch yet another free ride. You should stop all improvements until there are more green dollar signs or orange Patreon symbols. My two cents (and then some) as a donating member.


Keep the thread on track please.


Sure thing! Dropped another $100 for the trouble. :money_mouth_face:


Thatā€™s irrelevant. Both Lindsey Graham and Alan Dershowitz have told us that there DOES NOT have to be an indictable crime to impeach the president. Do you understand that?


I knew it! McConnell requested from Schumer that the multiple admendments be stackedā€¦and the asshole Schumer refuses. He demands a separate debate and vote on each amendment.

He is perfectly willing to vote on more useless amendments tomorrowā€¦when the viewing audience will be larger.

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They have simply made the calculation that they are likely to lose those Senators anyway and the best option is to not piss of Trumpā€™s base. So they are going to play the game of not allowing anything to be seen that would put the Senators in a bind and then using the lack of seeing anything as justification for their voteā€¦itā€™s all so painfully obvious.

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That goes both ways too! I wish someone can explain why itā€™s OK for Democrats to deny witnesses but then accuse Republicans of gerrymandering when they do the same? Sounds hypocritical to most sane people but then again Democrats and progressives define that meaning so no surprise there.

Lyinā€™ sack of Schiff is right back where he began - with nothing. Fake impeachment driven by fake news, and thereā€™s been so much of it that even a growing number of the usual gullible fools are waking up to the truth. Chairman Schiffā€¦enjoy this while you can, dirt bag. The voters will respond in November.


McConnell is not denying the use of witnesses and documents. He has said several times that (as happened in the Clinton impeachment proceedings) the decision whether to call for witnesses and documents will occur after the arguments by both sides are presented.

The Democrats simply want to put on a show for the viewing public, a show that includes repetitive regurgitating of Democrat talking points. REPEAT LIES OVER AND OVER AND THEY WILL BE ACCEPTED AS TRUTHS.

They are trying the case on TV using the American voters as jurors in hopes the voters will pressure their Senators to vote guilty.

Well there is the question of calling Biden, the whistleblower, and Adam Schiff as witnesses right?

Everything else you are correct on.


Letā€™s have a fair trial with all the people we want to call to testify.

Not a word said about how this came about in the basement behind closed doors with zero input from the right.

The impeachment of Donald J. Trump, when it comes to evidence and due process, reminds me of a scene from the Old West. Yes, Sir, there is no evidence that you stole any horses, but we intend to prosecute you for resisting being hung for it.

The names of the witnesses are irrelevant at this time. The question will be whether to call any witnesses or not. If they vote to call witnesses, Iā€™m confident that Biden, the whistleblower, and pencil neck Schiff will be on the Republican list.

Right. Being on the list and actually testifying are two different things given what we already witnessed in the house proceedings.

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