Impeachment Trial - Live Stream Official Thread

Trump is temporary.

The American people are not.

The message being sent by the democrats is: get in the way of our agenda and we will work to destroy you.

IMO, they have hung themselves out to dry on this impeachment fiasco and severely underestimated their base of support.

Chuckie Schumer’s first proposed amendment to the rules was defeated 53-47…so he introduces another that is damn near word for word the text of the first proposal.

I predict that their arguments will be essentially the same as for the first…and will again fail to change the plans.

McConnell has already stated that the plan is to call for votes on whether to allow witnesses and documents to be introduced after the opening arguments are presented by both sides.

Why is this not acceptable to the House Managers?


They failed miserably to do their job properly during the impeachment proceedings. They now want to Senate to allow them to continue their hunt for proof during the impeachment trial.

We’ve had that conversation he and I before. Do you think he holds republicans accountable for their witch hunt 20 years ago, or do you believe he supported it.

EVERYBODY cares mightily about the constitution UNTIL it gets in the way of what they want to do.

Tell that to Lindsey graham and Alan Dershowitz, both of whom argued in fact that there DOES NOT need to be an indictable crime to impeach a president. But that was when the shoe was on the other foot and they didn’t like the president.

I honestly think this is a great PR and educational opportunity to throw the Dem’s asses to the matt.

Hand them their asses and knock it off with fighting with gloves on.

It is a deliberate waste of time and money perpetrated by the Democrat Party. The entire impeachment process has been such. They are killing themselves softly.

Face it Monte… President Trump is working tirelessly for this country and its people while the insurgency propagates and undermines our republic and it’s on display for ALL Americans to see. Stop being so willfully blind.

Why, yes they are. :grin:

Is exposing themselves for what they are truly a waste of money? :face_with_monocle:

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I don’t know how that’s relevant to the post you quoted, but ok.

Whether Trump is improving things or not is subjective. Obama was working tirelessly for the country for eight years too. But most likely you believed what he was doing was bad for the country. That’s how that works.

…and here we go with Round 3 of Time Wasting 101.

Thanks to @Tyfoon for putting the livestream up site wide. Thanks to @Dr_Manhattan for starting the thread and providing the link.


Yeah, the reason why nobody realizes that is because it’s NOT TRUE…

Yes, and once again, the president DOESNT have to commit an indictable crime to be impeached, BOTH Lindsey Graham and Alan Dershowitz have told us so. Well, and Alexander Hamilton…

Hakeem Jeffries just showed a slide with 12 faces of people they want subpoenaed. This current amendment is to issue a subpoena to one of them.

Does this mean we have 11 more amendments to suffer through?

Ted Cruz was exactly right in his comments during the recent recess. The Democrats are using this time to grandstand on national TV in their bullshit circus doing nothing more than denigrating the President.

That is pretty unbelievable!

Knowing the Democrat’s degree of sleaze, it is expected. They have no qualms regarding the wasting of taxpayer monies in ignoring their duty (to serve the American people) by working 24/7 to remove the duly elected President from office.

This has been a political vendetta since before Trump was inaugurated.

(If you watch the circus on C-SPAN2 instead of Fox, you don’t miss what happens during the short recesses.)

This is my favourite highlight! Facts do matter and Democrats are getting spanked!

‘I expected a bolt of lightning to strike Schumer for his outrageous lies…’