Pleading the 5th or refusing to testify at all will be political suicide for Schiff. Likewise for Joe Biden if he gets called. Hunter and the whistleblower would suffer only contempt of Congress.
Either way, any refusal to testify would support votes for Trump’s acquittal.
I would love to see Schiff testify under oath and fall victim to a perjury trap. He’s lied so much that I doubt he can remember them all.
The primary reason Chuck Schumer has to make this ridiculous effort for more evidence, is how the House never established their ability to enforce subpoenas via “Judicial Enforcement Authority”. The failure of a full House vote to authorize the House Judiciary Committee to pursue evidence -via enforceable subpoenas- was a defect by design of Nancy Pelosi’s decision to initiate an impeachment inquiry by her decree, not an authorizing vote.
That is what I was thinking all along. What most people missed is their subpoena had no enforcement mechanism to it, so naturally when it was in the judiciary Nonads and his goons were trying to sue for Documents that were confidential witness testimony from the Mueller report. That is still being played out to no avail.
It was and will remain all about timing and how it relates to the campaigning foe the 202 election. Add to that their attempt to damage trump and it is pretty clear their goal.
Let’s assume for the moment your claims about Dershowitz and Graham’s statements are accurate. That doesn’t change the fact that Clinton’s impeachment was based on the 12 felonies documented by special prosecutor Starr. Nixon’s impeachment inquiry was based on felonies related to the Watergate cover up. Trump’s impeachment is based on an amorphous accusation of abuse of power and his use of a long standing Constitutional power of executive privilege. Can you understand the difference?
Indictments are delivered by a grand jury using a standard of reasonable doubt.
The “probable cause” standard is one of the lowest standards in criminal law, defined as requiring only sufficient evidence to lead a reasonable person to believe that a crime has been committed and that the defendant is guilty.
How are the tax payers on the hook for Trumps Golf trips when he isn’t taking a dime in pay? Apparently you are either being obtuse about the details or you simply haven’t thought through that part of the equation! Also Obozo played more Golf at this time than Trump so where was your outrage about that? Especially considering Golf and fundraising was more important to Obozo than doing anything about a US ambassador being killed and a embassy being on fire, Real leadership matters and is refreshing not the soyboys you support who bow, bend over for world leaders!
So we are going to have another full evening of Adam Schiff constantly repeating himself over and over again for hours? if he thinks he has the goods then why doesn’t he just make the damn case and move on? The longer that they delay this and drag this out with their hours and hours of pontificating it just makes it look like they have absolutely nothing… Which we already know to be the case.