Impeachment Trial - Live Stream Official Thread

It might be a silly question but if The Donald is exonerated/acquitted, will it destroy the credibility of the Democrat party for ever?

Because he is right! He was appointed judge and not an elected official. His answer IMO seemed pretty reasonable to me.

His answer was factual and he appeared to be referring to his notes on the matter. I suspect that he anticipated such a question from the Democrats.

Roberts role or any Chief Justice for that matter in an impeachment proceeding is to referee and not be a deciding vote should there be a tie. Correct?

As he stated, this has occurred before, but only in cases of mundane motions such as whether to adjourn or not.

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I believe a combination of the two when it suits the narrative :wink:

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Nancy is straight up losing her shit.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi says Trump can’t be considered acquitted if Senate doesn’t call witnesses in impeachment trial

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Friday that if the Senate votes not to convict President Donald Trump after a trial without witnesses, he can’t really be considered “acquitted.”

“I disagree with the idea that he could be acquitted” if the Senate finishes its proceedings on Friday, Pelosi said in a Deerfield Beach interview with the South Florida Sun Sentinel Editorial Board. “You can’t be acquitted if you don’t have a trial, and you can’t have a trial if you don’t have witnesses and you don’t have documents."

Nancy is pandering to the people who think this is a criminal, not a political procedure.

Watch as Dershowitz nails the reason for no witness point home on The View.

JERRY! Jerry! Jerry!


Thanks to all those who didn’t answer, guys, It’s kinda nice to be ignored! It doesn’t happen to me very often. :roll_eyes:

I can only tell you what I personally think:

Those who are hard core democrats won’t care. Those that are republicans or conservatives won’t change their minds. However, I think the slide to the left and the underhanded tactics have been an eye opener for many independents which will hurt the democrats.

Mmm… passive aggressive.

Democrats have already been parroting the party line proclaiming an acquittal invalid because they weren’t allowed to conduct a fishing expedition.

Pardon my glibness, but I know of few users here that pay attention to the Impeachment Trial Live Stream thread on Saturday and Sunday when the trial is dormant.

As to the credibility of the Democrat Party, I believe it has never existed. The Democrat Party has been fomenting its own lack of credibility for decades.

Their expected meltdown and continuous claim of unfairness only exacerbates the distrust that sane people hold for them. It also exposes their hypocrisy in light of their partisan, unfair circus inquiries in the House committees.

Liberalism has long been a mental disorder.

Besides, this is Super Bowl Sunday. The football fanatics are busy tailgating and watching all sorts of football hype shows.


The problem with that question is, the Democrats have become a party living on propaganda, with about 90% of the media in this country their enthusiastic allies. The credibility of these people has been zero with me for a long time, but as long as you’ve got 90% of the news nodding with them in agreement, they’ll think that their bullshit is golden.


Yeah, “Superbowl Sunday” is like or has become a holiday in of itself!

Unfortunately there is no possibility of recall since The Constitution doesn’t allow for it.

Either he serves out his term or resigns, either way it’s up to him.

Democrats have replaced both God and Men with “The State” and for them politics has essentially become a religion.

Think about just how hard it is to dissuade the deeply religious from their beliefs.

Credibility isn’t even an issue, it’s all about convincing yourself your beliefs are valid despite everything you are told or even see for yourself.

They buy votes with freebies and then baffle them with bullshit until they are simply unable to distinguish between fact, fiction and “belief”.

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That is a very salient and sobering statement and is closer to the truth than many here care to admit.

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Just watch/listen to them talking about the impeachment. They all know somewhere down deep that Trump did nothing wrong here and certainly nothing worthy of impeachment but they’ll repeat the daily talking points as they come out as though they are gospel.

Thanks everyone - sorry I had to ‘passively aggressively’ bump the thread! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: The sooner liberals on both sides of the Atlantic go into ‘meltdown’ (if only they would, but they won’t with the MSM on-side!), the better we shall all be.