Impeachment Trial - Live Stream Official Thread

They are counting on influencing the general public to believe this was a criminal, not political process.

As did about 75% of straight males watching her presentation…

The man bun Dems, not so much - they’d prefer Schiff…

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Isn’t that what Monte Crusty has been harping on about in a incessant whining drone these past few months?

Now they’re dragging out the vote until next week? This is going nowhere fast and it’s probably the most boring impeachment hearing anyone could have imagined. Just end it.

They can’t prove guilt because they don’t have evidence, but they just can’t give it up. True TDS.

They are already preparing for their failure. They are going to get beat in the Senate because the Democrats didn’t allow any Republican witnesses in the House. That doesn’t matter because according to Chuck Schumer when they lose it doesn’t count.

They aren’t just waiting until next week they are going to make Trump deliver his state of the union address before they take their vote. Scumbags. I honestly hate the GOP.

They are out of their freaking minds! The polls already reflect how badly this has been for their side and they want to double down some more on stupidity?

I have to seriously start doing some digging to see what is being passed that would take such a distraction to hide it in hopes the public won’t notice! No one can be this stupid right?

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McConnell should have just pressed ahead tonight and ended this crap. I am downright furious that they are going to make Trump deliver his state of the union with this hanging over his head in the background. It is total bullshit. The Trump campaign will get my money but the GOP can forget about any future donations after this.

I honestly can’t think of a bigger insult than this. I hope that when Trump wins the reelection he goes after both the Democrats and the GOP. They deserve it.

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The average American doesn’t care. More people are watching literal soap operas than this stupid hoax.

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She better be careful. If she gets any more worked up she’s likely to pop a stitch and if she does she’ll be standing on her chin.

Just following the playbook they wrote up long ago.

They are also demonizing the Republican majority Senate in a “coverup” of what the (Republican) President has done.

They have the Hillary Excuse Syndrome: Blame Others For Your Failure To Win

Plausible deniability? Seems like a common MO of the left!


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Schmuck Schummer’s “hail Mary” is an epic failure! :rofl:

President Trump promoted Romney in his last election to maintain the Republican majority in the Senate. What he got from the asshole Romney was a RINO that sympathized with and voted with the Democrats.

A recall of the bastard Romney is in order.

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Chief Justice Roberts was sufficiently prepared for that question. There was no hesitation in his response.