Impeachment Trial - Live Stream Official Thread

That’s the same weak assed argument I’ve been hearing for at least two years from some dem’s.

Basically their logic is that if you laundered the money through an atty and a “research firm” it wasn’t “foreign interference” even though the money went to foreign sources to pay for it.

Running with that logic, if the Trump campaign wants to launder money directly through a lawyer and “research firm” to get campaign assistance directly from Putin, Xi, and Kim it would be perfectly fine.

Of course. I posted a picture of him earlier in this same thread and others meeting with Russian officials. Here is your real collusion!

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mic drop moment

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That may have been the best exchange of the day and a perfect example of how this was a sham from the start.

So much good material to come out of this circus! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:




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Just wait till He’s subpoenaed by the Senate after this is over.

It’ll be “interesting” to say the least.

Senate Impeachment Trial is all but Over

Lamar Alexander announced this morning he will vote against extending the trial by calling witnesses. With the other “questionable” votes declaring the same, I think Collins is the only maybe left and at least 2 dem’s have indicated they would vote to bring it to an end as well.

There’s a very high probability it will be over before the final gavel falls tonight.

Assuming that’s true, what do you make the odds of another impeachment? I make it better than 50:50 those Dems won’t stop

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You’re probably not far off. Nancy however is smart enough to realize doing so is only going to hurt their chances in November no matter how much “The Squad” whines and cries for continuing impeachment right up through election day.

Exactly why they felt they had to give impeachment a try.

There were 11 felonies included in Clinton’s articles of impeachment.

Chuck Schumer lies again. After learning that he will not get ADDITIONAL witnesses in the charade, he calls what has happened in the Senate as a “trial without witnesses”.

This is bullshit. The Democrats presented videos of witness statements and slides of documents as “evidence” of Trump’s non-criminal activities.

The Democrat Party has long been a joke. It has turned into a circus and the individual clowns have been identified…Leaders in both Houses of Congress, all committee chairpersons, all committee members and all remaining Democrat members of Congress.
Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler, Waters, Green, and a few others are IDIOTS!

I predict (along with thousands of others) a landslide victory for President Trump in November.

All of the arguments the Managers presented were either complete lies or based on their own lies.

The whole damned thing was nothing but political masturbation from the start.

Nancy is getting incredibly desperate…now she wants the entire Trump defense team to be disbarred.

That’s hilarious coming from her considering that she didn’t even allow witnesses for the defendant in the first place and that all of there witnesses have hearsay which is not legal evidence in any legal system especially ours!

Drunk, lacking poligrip, brain dead, delusional Nancy has fully lost it. Can’t wait until November!

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The bitch doesn’t fathom the fact that the House Managers presented several witnesses and documents by video testimony and slides on screen.

The Counsel for the President was denied cross examination of those witnesses.

How clever of the bitch.

Schumer expressed the same idiotic claim in saying that no witnesses were included in the Senate trial.