Impeachment Trial - Live Stream Official Thread

If ratings are any indication the vast majority of the public was fed up with this trial before it began.

Impeachment was a foregone conclusion before the House even opened an official inquiry, and his acquittal was a foregone conclusion before the ink was even dry on the Articles of Impeachment.

Everything else is just political masturbation.

Naa, Bolton’s book was in the works for over a year. The NSC has been reviewing it for content/conflicts for six months.

Some jackass there fabricated a leak just like the WB.

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No surprise there! IMO that is not only pretty egregious but it will back fire in a big way!

OMG… that is hilarious!

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Not at all fearful of the content of their testimony. The problem is with the corruption of the separation of power. If a Resistance crazed partisan impeachment can willy nilly expose internal discussions of the executive branch to Leftist smear machines like the WaPo and NYT then the executive becomes a subservient appendage to Congressional second guessing. :roll_eyes:

Why are you so anxious to have more witnesses and documents after Schiff proclaimed the case against Trump “iron clad”? Oh wait, it’s a strategy of dragging the proceedings out in the desperate hope of rescuing the pathetic caricature of an impeachment. :roll_eyes:



Trump’s defense team obliterated all basis for impeachment. The whole thing is a travesty.

Is there an ‘off’ switch on Pelosi’s mouth?


Related to this topic:

She single handedly destroyed her party and digs it into a deeper hole with this insane rant. Normal people would just walk away and be quiet but not not this nutcase. Just goes to show you have to be a pathological narcissistic sociopath to take it this far!


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Madame Speaker declares herself dictator.


What a horrible way to end this shit show. Nadler just rambled like an asshole, and said the thing that has been ABSOLUTELY REFUTED AND BTFO. The only thing more btfo than the first article, is the second article LMFAO. What a retard, Schiff is probably seething.

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At least I learned today that I would like to have sexual intercourse with Pam Bondi.

Lamar Alexander just said he is NOT going to vote for witnesses in the impeachment hoax

I think that gives ‘no witnesses’ 49 solid votes. Romney and Collins are never Trump losers who want to drag this on.

But there are 3 Democrat senators who DESPERATELY want this to end so they can go campaign in Iowa. None of them can vote against witnesses but the 3 of them have a lot of clout to push just 1 other Democrat to vote against witnesses and then this crap is over tomorrow.

Hakeem Jeffries with the dumbest answer of the night

“The analogy is not applicable to the present situation because first, to the extent that opposition research was obtained, it was opposition research that was purchased,” Jeffries responded to the question. He then accused the president and Republican senators of pushing conspiracy theories and the “avoidance of facts.”

President Trump’s lawyer Jay Sekulow responded by saying the Democrats approve of foreign interference in the elections if it is bought. “I guess you could buy a foreign interference. If you purchase it, if you purchase their opposition research than it’s ok.”

So they paid a foreign asset for misinformation. And realized it was fake. And gave it to our government to set up an opponent. But Trump is the bad guy.

Watch Justice Roberts refuse to read Rand Paul’s question…they’re afraid!

If what I heard today is correct he was Brennan’s hand picked operative placed on the NSC team during Obama’s tenure.

That tells us, or at least should tell us a lot.