Impeachment Trial - Live Stream Official Thread

Of course they have. And they are pandering to the mouth breathing, headline grabbers.

Witness those who would vote for Bernie Sanders.

Maybe the generations didn’t have strong enough parents. Now people are looking for government to take the place of a mommy and daddy.

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I’ve been wondering the same thing. I thought this was against the rules because they have a political motivation to vote a certain way.


There’s just a lot of laziness going on and these people, not just kids because there are plenty of older people who should know better and don’t, are getting distracted with the fact that they could get something for nothing…all of us know that’s not how this works.

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It is not a criminal trial. It is a political trial.

Thank goodness there are some adults in the Senate.

Conservatives: Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime.

Lefties: Give a man a fish and I’ll be in power for a lifetime.

RHINO: Teach a man to fish but if he doesn’t like the work, I’ll make sure he has a fish because I want to be in power.

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Absolutely. Although I remember hearing on Rush that the people who were running for president were supposed to be barred from voting in the impeachment trial.

That rat bastard Mitt Romney comes to mind.

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Nothing would surprise me at this point, including them being allowed to vote.

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I agree. They’ll probably make a big show about it too and hold a press conference after the fact and not a single member of the press will call them out on it. It’s a disgrace.

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I know that none of you care…but every single impeachment trial in the history of the US Senate has featured new witness testimony.

Every single one. Fact check me.

The House had their chance. They really blew it.

Vote them out of office.

Chuckie Schumer lies almost as much as Adam Schiff.

He says Trump never mentioned Biden’s use of influence in Ukraine for personal gain before he (Trump) was elected.

Newsflash, Chuckie! Biden didn’t admit that he threatened to withhold a billion dollars unless the prosecutor about to question his incompetent son was fired until 2018…two years after Trump was elected.

Screw you, Chuckie!

Why are you so fearful of Giuliani, Mulvaney and Bolton testifying???

This is nothing but a clear and transparent get rich quick scheme by Bolton.

Funny question! If media wasn’t so far gone to the left these questions and many more would be asked!

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Of course it is, Comey writes a book, McCabe and the others get gigs at CNN which in essence is repeating a pattern of being rewarded for sinister behaviour that promotes the grifters club.

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Media bias was once again exposed by her exposé.é-blacked-out-on-abc-cbs-nbc/

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: