Impeachment Trial - Live Stream Official Thread

Sure, Dershowitz and Graham had in mind impeaching the President for meeting a foreign leader at the UN instead of the WH as the two leaders originally discussed. :wink:

Maybe the non indictable offense they were referring to was the President “coercing” a foreign leader when the foreign leader has stated publicly multiple times he didn’t feel pressured at all. :smile:

But wait, it couldn’t be that Clinton’s impeachment was driven by a dozen documented felonies and Trump’s is driven by no underlying offense that drives Graham and Dershowitz to oppose the current partisan hate fest. It’s hypocrisy under the influence of the bad Orange man cult. :roll_eyes:

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Well which is it, a president doesn’t have to commit an indictable offense to be impeached, or he does. It’s one or the other.

Graham also told us that Nixon became impeachable the moment he defied his subpoenas. Do you know how many subpoenas Trump has defied…?

@montecresto1 watch out yo

This is precisely why the Democrats seek press microphones immediately following adjournment of the Senate proceedings.

They do this to promote their disagreement and criticisms of the President’s team’s presentation to the public, reiterating their own lies and suppositions regarding what the people involved in the denial of the charges were “actually thinking” when they stated their facts.

Adam Schiff is particularly gifted at paraphrasing quotes to make them more effective in establishing dislike of the person quoted and what he/she might have said.

Following Saturday’s adjournment, Schiff was “quoting” someone’s comments supposedly said to Trump and expressed, “He loves you” as “He loves your ass”.

Adam Schiff is a despicable, lying piece of shit!

He knows he got his ass handed to him by the Trump team lawyers in their initial 2 hours of their allotted 24 hours of debate time. I suspect he has correctly discerned that this is only the beginning.


Bonus clip of Mazzie being scared!

Difference between Clinton and Trump’s impeachment is that Bill was convicted of a crime, perjury in the Paula Jones case, he paid a $90K fine to the court. Keep up.

Perhaps if you had read ALL my commentary on the subject you’d have a better understanding of what I know, and then you wouldn’t have to be snarky.

Impeachment, for the umpteenth time, doesn’t require a crime, so said Alexander Hamilton, but much more recently, and importantly, so did Lindsey Graham and Alan Dershowitz. So stop attempting to make indictable crime a necessary requirement.

Clinton was still convicted of a crime.

And what is your point?

No it doesn’t. But it does require a reasonable certainty that a president has committed high crimes or misdemeanors.

In this case, neither bar has been reached. In fact, the bar has been set so low that the precedent is if you don’t like the current president or policies you can impeach.

Which undermines the voters.

That is what is at stake here.

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It’s bribery, treason, high crimes and misdemeanors that are necessary for Presidential impeachment. It’s not make it up as the Resistance pleases, it is in the Constitution. :roll_eyes:

High crimes and misdemeanors have to have equivalent gravity to bribery or treason. Failing to have a meeting in the WH but in the UN instead doesn’t qualify in any reasonable analysis. :roll_eyes:

President Trump has defied exactly zero subpoenas. As his legal team explained the President asserted his legal rights to refuse illegal subpoenas.
The House is given the power to impeach not the Speaker to independently launch an impeachment inquiry with subpoena power. Of course Democrats made no effort to resolve the differences between the 2 branches, instead they fashioned another article of impeachment. :roll_eyes:


According to Lindsey Graham and Alan Dershowitz, none of that’s true. And you can’t declare a subpoena to be illegal just to ignore it.

You expose your ignorance once again! Surprise, surprise!

You can declare a subpoena illegal if it has not be through the proper judicial process which is in fact what happened when the AOI was hatched! If there is no enforcement mechanism to subpoenas then of course they are illegal and Graham is speaking in jest to make this point.

Educate yourself instead of pretending to know how the process works so you don’t continue to spread more erroneous misinformation and keep copying and pasting your responses here with same drivel. You only look more ignorant than you already are about this subject matter when you appear to be doubling down.

Your own Democratic impeachment managers even admit this! Wow! I guess you missed this detail huh?

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True, and 70% of Americans want documents and witnesses at the senate trial. That includes objective republicans, not Trumper’s, not the guys that would excuse him for murder, and who have excused his treasonous acts like inviting Russia and China to interfere in our elections, or standing on foreign soil and siding with an adversarial leader (Putin) over his own country…

Real Americans want to know what’s in the subpoenaed documents, and what Bolton, Mulvaney, Giuliani and others know about the Ukrainian scheme (drug deal) Trump and Parnus were cooking up.

What a monumental waste of time.

No matter what the topic the expert jumps in and begins spewing.

Time for another walk about as I tire of the montes endless droning on and on. Unfortunately several people;e try and engage him which is impossible as he continues with the dialogue.

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I am convinced that his MO is to constantly sow discord with posters here! I too am tired of his incessant whining by propagating lies and spreading erroneous misinformation. No one can be that stupid to be posting half the shit he does here! Like Juan “whiny” Williams, Monte Crusty appears to be a carbon copy of him that always has an agenda.


Sigh, once again you ignore your own rhetoric. The Constitution defines impeachable offenses not politicians. Dershowitz will testify before the Senate asserting the insufficiency of the AOI. Graham has already asserted the same. Attack their rationale based on reason, not Resistance hatred.

Denying President Trump the ability to resist illegal subpoenas based on legal reasoning is yet another example of Resistance Democrats throwing bedrock legal principles overboard in the lunatic pursuit of the bad Orange man. Believe it or not there have been conflicts between Congress and the President in the past. They have been resolved through negotiations and failing that in Federal court. Leave it to the Resistance zealots burn down the village to save it craziness to use impeachment instead of conflict resolution. :roll_eyes: