Impeachment Trial - Live Stream Official Thread

They are being attacked for their hypocrisy. Neither of them should be involved in this impeachment process because both of them have declared that what Trump is guilty of, is impeachable. But that was a different time and a president that they didn’t like…

That’s not what he was impeached for. There were eleven Federal statutes filed against him and none of them included Monica. :roll_eyes:

Clinton tried to pull every Executive Privilege in the book to get out of a complaint of rape by Paula Jones, but the SCOTUS ruled against him and the case when forward where Clinton committed perjury, bribed witnesses to lie, (which is what he was impeached for), he also was held in contempt of court (by a sympathetic judge no less), he lost his law license and settled the Jones case for $750 thousand. I don’t have the entire list of the laws he broke or if he was convicted of all 11, but the ones he was impeached for of bribing witnesses and perjury are definitely high crimes.

If the senate allowed subpoenaed witnesses and documentation, Trump would be removed from office.

Ken Starr is presenting an excellent speech regarding the partisan impeachment of Donald John Trump by the Democrats. It is not what the founders intended. It is not in keeping with previous Presidential impeachments. It is not based on a listing of laws broken being contained in the Articles of Impeachment.

In other words, it is a partisan impeachment.

We have known that from day one of Trump’s presidency. The impeachment process began before his inauguration.

Ken Starr is presenting an excellent speech regarding the partisan impeachment of Donald John Trump by the Democrats. It is not what the founders intended. It is not in keeping with previous Presidential impeachments. It is not based on a listing of laws broken being contained in the Articles of Impeachment.

In other words, it is a partisan impeachment.

We have known that from day one of Trump’s presidency. The impeachment process began before his inauguration.

The piece of shit Mittens Romney is calling for the witnesses that the Democrats want to appear in the Senate trial but when asked if Biden or the whistleblower should testify, filthy Mitt clams up.

How about we charge congress with Obstruction of Freedom?

How can the Democrats claim Trump withheld military aid to Ukraine in order to force an investigation into Biden when the administration released the money three weeks early from its official release date?

This is just more proof the party of Marx believes the American people are a bunch of idiots who blindly follow talking points reported by their Fake News propaganda outlets… What new “smoking gun” bombshell will follow after this latest and greatest one fails? This is nothing more than a manufactured scandal that has exposed the Democrat Party for the traitors they truly are.


Senate just adjourned until tomorrow at 1:00PM ET.

Chirissy has a hissy and ultimately is wrong. He really embarrassed himself here. He is another reason why I don’t watch Fox News!

Holy Bondi! Pam Bondo exposes Hunter Biden!

Its why Hunter Biden is able to afford such cars and have children with three different women!

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Likely not, since that would open the door for the whistleblower and his attorney, as well as Hunter Biden, and perhaps one or two other board members from Burisma…

If the Bidens aided a corrupt cabal in Ukraine, that matter is worth investigating- therefore no crime, as information inured to the benefit of the nation more than Trump.

Besides, it’s all moot isn’t it- the Dems were vocal in opposing everything they shrill for now, and the GOP is/was the reverse- both equally hypocritical. Now it’s the GOP’s turn to vote down a ridiculous impeachment.

It’s a twenty year delayed quid pro quo…

There’s no precedent in jurisprudence that says if you get a witness I get a witness. Witnesses are admitted based upon their relevancy.

As you continuously point out, this is not a criminal proceeding. The Senate and House agreed to a format.

Therefore, if the Senate wants to call the Biden’s or the whistleblower, they can do so.

For those who were not able to watch the trial as it happened, C-SPAN is rebroadcasting it at this time. If you want to watch, go to:

You may be required to log in with your television provider.

Not bad after telling your AR paternity judge that your were unemployed for most of 2019.


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Sorry, Dershowitz just delivered an incredibly effective repudiation of the Democrats sham AOI. His contribution to a fair and full Senate trial far outweighs the weak protestations of hypocrisy.

Lindsay Graham is a sitting US Senator. It’s absurd to suggest he shouldn’t fulfill Constitutional duty. :roll_eyes:

The two of them have contradicted their own stated positions when the shoe was on the other foot and it was about impeaching a president they didn’t like. So neither are credible.


You are correct about precedent. If the Senate is to entertain witnesses, they ought to follow the House example of only calling witnesses deemed to be helpful to Republicans.

In discussing rules for the House impeachment inquiry you contemptuously dismissed consideration of previous rules adopted for the last 2 impeachment inquiries. So, it would be consistent for you to support calling “Republican” only witnesses. :slightly_smiling_face:
