🔴 Impeachment Hearing 1 - Judiciary Committee

The panel of “witnesses” in yesterday’s hearing included 3 Trump Haters and 1 sensible man who was not a Trump supporter but effectively shot some big holes in the Democrat Party’s obsession with impeachment.

I particularly liked when he said that the committees were guilty of abuse of power. So true.

The others came across to me as being equally as biased against Trump as are Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi, and hundreds of their sheep.

If the woman really stood by her convictions, she should have immolated herself in front of that hotel. Self-immolation

Self-immolation is the act of killing oneself for political or religious reasons, particularly by burning. It is often used as an extreme form of protest or in acts of martyrdom. It has a centuries-long recognition as the most extreme form of protest achieved by humankind.

I saw pictures of that woman online and I was convinced it was that fired looney tunes ambassador back to testify some more. I had no idea that they were two different people until I started reading!

Reminds one of all the Republican attacks on Chelsea, Sasha and Malia…

At least Karlan apologized for her idiocy in that…

You mean her bullshit apology that wasn’t without a dig? Yeah ok!

I believe the innocent should be left out of the line of fire. My concern is, why would a ( supposedly ) educated woman cross a street to avoid walking by a Trump hotel. How old is she? Perhaps she’s dealing with whackadoo menopause. She may just need a good plankin to alleviate frustration. Any volunteers. Someone - anyone?

Come on. Gotta be someone who hasn’t gotten laid for a while. Old saying: If you’re dying of thirst, you’ll drink from a mudhole. I will provide the head bag.

Yes they always should, but the right relentlessly attacked both Clinton and Obama children…

Nonads falls asleep in his own court! :rofl: