🔴 Impeachment Hearing 1 - Judiciary Committee

Nancy is cornered! Her way out is signing USMC and using up the legislative calendar to do so. Dec 9 is going to ruffle some feathers and side this fiasco from being the National focus!

But which part was wrong.

No, I PS’d this just for laughs, but the real one’s quite the shrew herself- has a kind of homely unpopular ■■■■■■ girl grows up to be a hate filled shrill professor…

I watched all four of the openers, and I agree Turley nailed it. He spoke eloquently of the danger in setting such a low bar for impeachment. He also spoke as a man confident enough in his truth to speak in measured tones, without the shouting of Karlan, or the dry pedantry of Feldman.

While the news media will cherry pick soundbites of only the three leftists, eventually the public will learn about what Turley said - at least I hope they do.


…and you noted, I’m sure, that she apologized for speaking ill of Barron Trump after the First Lady’s response tweet was read aloud.

I know the type! I was one those that found ways to push their buttons in oral arguments during law school!:rofl: Parties were even better, and I would always get the stink eye from these nasally sounding screeches.

Ah! I was on my phone and my eyes were deceiving me! :joy:

Okay. From the perspective of a female? Why are you going to wear pearls if you cannot bother to wash your hair? :grimacing:

Best Troll job of Adam Schiff in legalese from Turley!

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You should hear watch Newt Gingrich just said about Turley’s testimony on Hannity.

All of Turley’s testimony should be made into a video and split into 4 or 5 short videos then posted on social media.

Didn’t miss a thing.

I agree! I also see the Fake News spin masters were quick with their hit pieces, so Turley must be hitting a nerve somewhere! :rofl:

I did hear that there was literally a fire drill right in the middle of the hearing that forced all of those windbags to go outside and cool off!

That was the high point of the circus.

…and she apparently doesn’t know how to spell “baron”!

Yes. You missed a fugly Woody Allen lookalike attack Barron Trump.

They can’t control their vitriol even when it might help them.


The man will not be impeached. Our Dems are pissin into the wind. They are just short of gnashing of teeth in frustration. What a side show.

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A ( supposedly ) mature, rational thinking woman, crossed the street to avoid a Trump hotel Well, that’ll show him. We need those deep thinkers in positions of power. Old adage: Better to keep your mouth shut, and have people wondering if you’re an idiot; than to say something, and remove all doubt.

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These creatures are a plague on the planet. Every utterance is disgusting, insane, or both.