Impeachment: fight's on!

There is deep seated pain in such a post. Just an FYI.

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That’s the brain dead half of the voters that had irreversible mental breakdowns when Bitchillary came up short on November 8th, 2016.

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You mean the globalist wannabe’s, the ones who believe government can reverse climate change, the ones who want government to be mommy and daddy all rolled into one?

Thanks but no thanks. They can take one look around and see the likes of what Sweden, Germany, France and Britain have become under those types of liberal policies.

If that is what you want, go live there. You’ll be begging to come back when you find the grass isn’t greener on the other side.


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Not pain just a strong dislike for intellectually bankrupt asshats like you! FYI!

Funny that you posted that as this story just broke!

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Know you are keeping up with the Barr investigation. It has greatly expanded which tells me they are uncovering all kinda crap. I been keeping up with politics since 1960. Trump is the first to ever fight back against the marxist democrats. He is slowly assembling a group of trusted conservatives and teaching them how to beat them. The marxist democrats (both media and their democrat party lapdogs) have never had to deal with a situation like this – their insanity is becoming very evident!

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Oh it gets better! John Solomon just unearthed this little gem that pretty much puts egg on the commiecrats faces! Which might explain their TDS working in hyperdrive to come up with anything to divert the public’s attention from their crimes! The IG report is going to be released Oct 18th and I suspect that is also going to trigger a lot of reaction from the left to reach for their dose of zanex pills! :rofl:

Pure truth and fact based in hearsay from the invisible man.

Your point?

It never has a point! Notice how it shitposts without anything to back up the excrement that regularly comes out of its mouth? The TDS is strong with this one!

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Always amazing how they come here dump and run.

Civil discourse a thing of the past.

Liberals bring out the worse in discourse! :rofl:

I would be OK with liberals if they were actually honest with facts, but because they just lie about everything they present in their arguments they become something to detest! When they embrace the mantra of no such thing as truth, then they are nothing short of being a communist in my book! Not very American is it?

John Solomon was on Hannity tonight and said that some intelligence officials had informed him that his communications in the Ukraine had been monitored by someone.

Rudy Giuliani was also on Hannity tonight and said that the next country to watch regrading payments to the Bidens is Romania.

Rudy also said that he has notes regarding Joe Biden’s being coin operated that go back as much as 30 years…when he was a Senator.

It seems the left and right can no longer exchange ideas much like you see here.

Well what is sorely missed on the left is the blue dogs and JFK Democrats. Today’s so called Democrats are progressives and there is nothing democratic about progressivism. They are basically the face of the Cultural Marxists in disguise. Remember having democrats as friends? We used to discuss politics over a beer and be OK to disagree, but still be friends in the morning. Not so much today! In case anybody is wondering why I am so salty when it comes to these baffoons, they made me this way after 8 years of racist politics, I am on the offensive to call them out on their BS! :rofl:

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That is par for the course for someone of John Solomon’s caliber, a real journalist doing real reporting, and he scares the deep state because they know he is getting too close.

That is an interesting angle, however it wouldn’t surprise me in the least bit, all those countries are in the pay for play scheme.

Viewing the Chicago corruption machine, the fingerprints of corruption have been very clear to me since the first day of Obama’s administration. Hell, the entire run up to Obama’s election smelled to high heaven, but was anything done? Hardly! Zero was the hand picked Globalist/Progressive tool, deftly used by skilled, monies commiecrats and finally, funded by Soros and his U.N. friends. Obama was an illegal POS, more to the point, is a authentic piece-of-shit traitor. Mussolini was hung out to dry when his countrymen realized what he was – Obama deserves no less, followed by Biden.

And more psychological projection…a shrink could build a retirement fund on this.

I think my point requires no clarification, tks.

Yeah ok Dr Phil! When you come up with some new material be sure to let us know! I am sure we will be waiting on your every word!
