Immigration Policies- Why Force It Upon Someone Else?

An undocumented visitor in your house is not a robber.



Every illegal alien, from the lowest rapist to the most ambitious “dreamer” deserves nothing more than a life of fear and paranoia until they’re caught and deported. They all have to go back.




The dogma is that no country should have boundaries or any sort of sovereignty that allows us to discriminate (indiscriminately) against who we want or don’t want to enter a country.

The dogma following that is, “You can’t discriminate [against people who aren’t even citizens who never set foot in this country], that is against our American values!”

The idea of immigration is that it’s supposed to build our country up with the best and brightest, and we’re just not letting in the best and brightest.

This is an affront to the idea of citizenship.

That’s the real point at issue, and a part of globalism.


A very poor attempt at trying to twist what I posted.

Can you actually address the content of a post without leaning on liberal talking point crutches?


Entering the country illegally is a crime.

There would be no sanctuary cities if there were no illegal immigrants.


Oh I like that. A lot. Say 70%?

Really, in a nutshell you are correct.

Globalism vs. Nationalism.

The liberals are attempting to portray nationalism as a dirty word akin to being a racist or a white supremacist. All while what they are attempting to make happen is some new kind of idea that will work…why? Just because they truly believe are morally superior and more intelligent than anyone else.

Yet, right before their eyes look at what is happening in real time with Brexit.

The dumb fools can’t see the writing on the wall even if it is carved into their foreheads.


Yes, but this could be a compromise for liberals. It is also the very question that can and will expose their hypocrisy.

I need to correct myself… crossing the border illegally (not through a port of entry) is a misdemeanor aka crime.

Overstaying a visa is a civil violation. Aka not a crime.

So being undocumented doesn’t necessarily mean you committed a crime.

Can you elaborate? Do you agree that we need to deport all illegal immigrants? And that until they do they need to have fear instilled in them?

It’s still breaking the law. It can and will get one deported.

Not if it is a civil violation. Does getting a speeding ticket make you a criminal?

Wow, what a sarcastic load of BS. I love that little dig you made; “do they have to have fear instilled in them?” No, they don’t. They should be deported and discouraged from coming back into the country. Why is this so hard to understand? ICE isn’t the big bad wolf. If they are breaking the law, they are breaking the law. It’s not black and white, that if they arrest them they are automatically using unnecessary force.

If you don’t pay it, then yes. They can apprehend you if you do not pay the ticket or show up to court.

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Does getting a speeding ticket get you deported?


In Mexico if you go there illegally, they’ll put you in prison. And in Mexican prisons, they don’t feed you or take care of you. They leave you there to rot. I don’t understand why we should be forced to take care of them. It’s a double standard.

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If you’d like to start a thread on penalties for overstayed visas, feel free to do so. Until then, address the topic the OP which is illegal immigrants or in lib-speak undocumented immigrants.

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This is a lib tactic to derail your thread.

Your OP is not about overstayed visas, is it?

And yes you are correct. An person who overstays their visa can be deported (forcibly removed) and restricted from applying for future visas.

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