I'm Confused - Someone Please Clear This Up

There is nothing to be confused about Jim. While Obama did secure an authorization for the use of force to protect Libyan civilians, he and the U.K. and France overstepped the resolution and forced regime change. Russia complained as soon as the operation began, arguing that the targeting was consistent with regime change. This is why a couple years later when Obama dispatched Hillary Clinton three times to secure a UNSCR for the use of force in Syria, all three times Russia and China vetoed it, citing the abuse of UNSCR 1973 in Libya.

And yes, Pelosi and other democrats are being completely hypocritical about this.

I admire your optimism, but the courts are just one arena that’s getting ratcheted back. If people don’t go to jail for using the CIA, DOJ, FBI and NSA to spy on the GOP nominee for President, it’s just a matter of time before the only tolerated opposition is tame.

The “moderates” in the Democrat party are OK with that. It’s “friendly fascists” vs “not-so-friendly fascists.”

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Mostly it will just take character and an adherence to the principles of originalism/constructionist philosophies.

If they do, then one case at a time we’ll take it back through the courts and of course one election at a time at the ballot box.

Regime change was already underway. All Obama and the Euro’s did by dragging their feet on making a decision to intervene was to ensure that when it was over Libya would be controlled by terrorists.

Obama neither sought nor got an AUMF before engaging in either Iraq or Syria.

Members of Congress have been expressing increasing frustration over President Obama’s decision to launch missile strikes against Libya without congressional approval. Liberal Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich suggested the action was impeachable.

Nope, no authorization for the cruise missile strike against Libya.

Obama launched more than 2,800 strikes on targets in Iraq and Syria without congressional approval.

“The U.S. military has been conducting strikes in Iraq for 10 months, and began striking directly at targets in Syria last September as part of Obama’s announced campaign to degrade the capabilities of the Islamic State,” The Washington Times reported in April 2015.

The 2015 report noted that Obama had justified the attacks “under his commander in chief powers and under the 2001 resolution authorizing force against al Qaeda, and the 2002 resolution authorizing the ouster of Saddam Hussein in Iraq.”

Nope, no congressional approval here either.

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Well that’s true. And you never saw the America that Thomas Jefferson grew up in…

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The UNSCR was limited, but targeting from the beginning was designed to weaken Gadaffi so that he could be toppled. This is why Russia and China blocked Obama’s attempts to secure a resolution for the use of force in Syria. Which caused the U.K. to back off support for military operations there and there never was a vote in congress to authorize military force…

A completely different operation. That AUMF was specific to actions to be taken against Assad in the event he used chemical weapons again.

ISIS of course is not a part of the Syrian go’t.

His campaign promise was to end military operations in the ME and get us out. It’s odd there’s a few here who are lusting for more US involvement. At least most Trump supporters here are not happy about this.

Well, Trump was suppose to MAGA…:rofl::rofl:

And he was introduced to reality shortly after taking office.

You are correct, Obama made that promise and failed to keep it.

We’re not occupying anywhere and haven’t been since about 2004-05.

We remain as guests of the ligit gov’t everywhere we have troops today under very specifically crafted SOFA’s.

Right, before penicillin, automobiles, electricity, booming economy, etc. Although I give our Founding Fathers serious credit for the 2nd Amendment & handing future generations freedom.

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Do give them credit for the 4th and 6th too…

Without the 1st and 2nd we wouldn’t have the rest. That’s all that protects them.

Both sides have become politicized and idealized.

Yeah, those pesky laws…

Without the 2nd, we may not have freedom of speach. “You can get more with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone.”

― Al Capone

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BINGO, there are pesky laws. Not all laws benefit the law abiding citizen.