Illegal Alien, Freed into U.S., Convicted of Beheading Patriotic Legal Immigrant Woman Who Changed Name to ‘America’

Illegal Alien, Freed into U.S., Convicted of Beheading Patriotic Legal Immigrant Woman Who Changed Name to ‘America’

An illegal alien, released into the United States in 2012 from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody, has been convicted of beheading 55-year-old America Mafalda Thayer, a legal immigrant from Cuba.

Alexi Saborit-Viltres, a 42-year-old illegal alien from Cuba, was convicted of first-degree murder for beheading Thayer with a machete in July 2021 in Shakopee, Minnesota. Saborit-Viltres was supposed to be deported a decade ago, but ICE agents were unable to obtain travel documents for him.

Thus he was released from ICR custody on an order of supervision in 2012.

The conviction means Saborit-Viltres now faces life in prison, a sentence that Thayer’s 42-year-old son, Charles, is hoping for. Thayer was the girlfriend of Saborit-Viltres at the time of the murder.

“My mom never deserved to have this happen in the first place,” Charles told the Star Tribune. “This monster deserves to be put away for life.”

At the time of Thayer’s murder, eyewitnesses called 911 after Saborit-Viltres left her lifeless body in the middle of an intersection. According to eyewitnesses, Saborit-Viltres was driving by in the car with Thayer when they saw him get out, go to the passenger door, and begin swinging what was later identified as a machete.

Eyewitnesses said they saw Saborit-Viltres throw something into a nearby yard before pulling Thayer’s headless body out of the vehicle and leaving her on the street. An eyewitness took video of the incident and police said the footage shows Saborit-Viltres beheading Thayer before driving off and leaving her body in the street.

When officers later took Saborit-Viltres into their custody, the illegal alien said he had been in a long-term relationship with Thayer.

Saborit-Viltres told police that the two were on their way to court when she said she wanted to end their relationship, and he allegedly admitted to murdering her with a machete because she had “gone too far” in wanting to break up with him.

Thayer had worked at My Pillow, founded by Mike Lindell, and her friends said she changed her name to “America” after legally immigrating to the United States and becoming a naturalized American citizen.

More evidence that what they are releasing into the US is to ignite more chaos to destabilize the country as a whole.

Make sure you are well armed and loaded!


They want us to think, look at what a great job Homeland Security is doing they caught them before they got into the US.

I live in Wyoming where most people are armed, open carry not a problem here, no permit is required. The state does not require firearm registration. For concealed carry: Wyoming is a “shall-issue” state regarding concealed carry permits. So if an individual meets the state’s requirements for a license, the state must issue one to that person. Wyoming does not require applicants to show documentation of a “good reason” for carrying a concealed weapon.

Wyoming’s “Stand Your Ground” law allows individuals to use deadly force in self-defense when they believe they are in danger of death or serious bodily harm. Individuals are not required by law to flee a confrontation before using lethal force.
Wyoming law also allows deadly force in defense of others when the individual believes that another person is in danger of death or serious bodily harm.

The Castle Doctrine applies in Wyoming to any location where a person has a legal right to be. To protect themselves or others from immediate danger, people have the right to use force, including deadly force, in public places.

The laws of self-defense in Wyoming generally favor people who use force to protect others or themselves from harm.

We don’t have many random shootings.

They say a armed society is a polite one. Wyoming would be such a place?

Being impolite is highly unusual here. Most people talk to you at a drop of the hat.


It sounds like I need to move to Wyoming. :grin:


You wouldn’t regret that move. There is clean water, clean air, and the vibe of freedom. The elements are a bit harsh in the winter, but you are already a grizzled vet, you could handle it! But its definitely God’s country! Wyoming has a lot to offer.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


I know of a story in Meeteetse when a bar owner was warning a would be robber trying to break into his establishment to not break in or he was going to shoot him. Needless to say the story did not end well for the robber. The cops came they made their conclusions and the bar owner was not arrested or even bothered. Crime is low in Wyoming.

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A better place to be.

I moved from my home of 30 years, Colorado, which has turned into a shooting gallery and a liberal/regressive shithole.

You know why I go by my avatar name!:sneezing_face:

Love Wyoming, swimming in the Big Horns was one the greatest thrills of my life. :cowboy_hat_face:


Its funny Jizzard laughs but doesn’t know about your adventures or following.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Wyoming patriots who are under 36 years of age and who have not done their military service should enlist in the Wyoming National Guard.
[ Army Guard - Wyoming Military Department ]

No travel docuements should be needed. His ass should have been put on a C 130 and flown him back to Cuba, put a Paracute on, hooked up to a stactic line and pushed out over HAVANA.

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If you are… so am I. :wink:

THANK YOU ! At least there is one sane person here.

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While immigration experts agree that it is very likely that illegal immigrants have killed thousands since 2003, statistics on murders by illegal immigrants are limited. Government data suggests that thousands of illegal immigrants have been convicted of homicide over the span of decades.
“It would be impossible to come up with a better estimate without access to all the federal and state criminal justice records,” Vaughan said. “While no one can easily prove the exact number of people killed by illegal aliens, certainly it is in the thousands, even in just the last 10 years.”

(SCAAP), a grant program intended to help states and localities cover the cost of incarcerating illegal immigrants. GAO estimated that SCAAP criminal aliens who were in state prisons and local jails from fiscal years 2010 through FY 2015 accounted for 27,300 homicide-related offenses.

Most are not interested in 6 year commitment especially putting yourself a risk for call up to fill the ranks.

Just look at changes in our armed forces in the past 20 years . It’s more like most are NOT interested in ANY commitment !


Any serious patriot under the age of 36 who has not already done his military service should enlist in the State Guard (if his state has one) or the National Guard.

If America ever faces a serious internal crisis, such as Leftist attempt to seize power outright (instead of by stealth), then the struggle on our part must be FOR the military, not WITH the military.

Joe Biden is right (for once). An AR15 is no match for an A10. So the people who service and fly A10s must be US, or people who have had friendly contact with us.

So, if you’re not IN the military, you – your conservative local group – should be doing whatever it can to ‘get close’ to the members of the military. This might mean being active in your local USO. (And the same consideration goes for the local police. We should be forming ‘Back the Blue’ groups in every place we are.)