Illegal Alien, Freed into U.S., Convicted of Beheading Patriotic Legal Immigrant Woman Who Changed Name to ‘America’

I knew it damn liberal thinking again , have you been falling down lately ? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Joe Bob doesn’t know the difference.

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Any movement is built out of various grades of human material. Our side has some stupid and unpleasant people, so does the Left. Just ignore them.

Interestingly, in the 2016 Presidential election, the average IQ of the conservative side was apparently higher (just slightly) than that of the liberal side. Liberals tend to think of themselves as all nice white college students or graduates, but that’s not true, thus the surprising result.

Not that it makes any difference: politics is not mainly a technical issue, a sort of engineering problem, but a clash of perceived interests. French intellectuals, for a long time, were sympathyzers of Joseph Stalin. French peasants, not. The peasants were right.

If you think Biden runs the democrat party, the WH or country you are clearly not paying attention. Our foreign policies, local policies, directives, executive orders are clearly disjointed and are products of multiple advisors with different agendas.

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He hasn’t been paying attention for about 20 years now all blah ,blah ,blah … :rofl:

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How SMART is that comparing an AR 15 to an A 10 . That is REDICULOUS!!! This shows your EXTREME lack of military knowledge.

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Joe barely can run to the bathroom !

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Finding the bathroom is Bidens challenge.

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Of course Biden doesn’t run anything, except maybe to the toilet.

How our foreign polcy is made is the vector sum of various groupings: AIPAC is, by an order of magnitude, the most powerful, effective lobby in the US, for example. (And they’re way to the Right of the opinion of most American Jews.)

The ‘military-industrial complex’ is also powerful, which is not entirely a bad thing, as we need to stay in the forefront of technological development here, which we haven’t been. But we need to get value for money.

And then there are the ‘foreign policy professionals’, a lot of whom basically have the neo-con view that liberal democracy can be spread by the 82nd Airborne. We’ve seen how well that worked out in Iraq and Afghanistan.

But our real problem is internal: the rising generations of ‘intelligentsia’ – teachers, lawyers, government employees, etc – have been taught in school and university that America is not a very nice country: it arrests Blacks out of proportion to their numbers, it fears the Religion of Peace, it doesn’t encourage children to get mutilated in order to change their sex.

That’s where the main battle is. We’ve got to regain control of the educational system. That is going to be a long, difficult, complicated task, mainly fought out on the state and local level.

Although, on the bright side, we may not have to undertake it for long, since we may slip into a hot civil war (we’re in a cold civil war now), or get dragged into WWIII, before that happens. [ For certain low-IQ members here: attention! This is irony! ]

Climb down off that cross Jesus wants it back .

Arent we getting off the subject here!!! Lets have al those in DC ( mainly Maydorkas ) and Liberal supporters including celebs actually meet the families of those killed by illegal aliens and actually see their hearbreak in person not that it would makea difference.

Old men love to ramble on and on and like Biden Doug strays off subject offen .


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It must get worst when he claims others are low IQ . :rofl: