ICE to remove ‘millions of illegal aliens’ in US, Trump says, scant on details

Are you kidding me dude? The guy is a regular bulwark against the enemies of America… the liars, the seditious, the leftist lunatics who would make this country a socialist haven for shit holers if they could.

His presidency is an inspiration to me…a message that the evil will fail if you stand strong against it.

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Again your opinion. No one is forced to respect it. There are social constraints that state you should but no law.

I thought you only dealt in facts?

Obama wrote law via executive orders circumventing congress yet you respected him.

Obama lied repeatedly to pass the ACA high has cost Americans thousands more in healthcare costs and you still respected him.

Clinton lied repeatedly during the campaign and you still respected and voted for her. The server, and the criminal acts, destruction of cell phones, texts, emails, the lies and you still respected her enough to support her.

I call hypocrite.


It is a fact, either you respect the office or you don’t.

Nobody claimed you were required to so quit making dishonest arguments.


I didn’t respect Obama, i have very little respect for any politician of any political party.

I ssve my respect for people who deserve it.

Must have been before Clinton took office.

Unfortunately though that’s what endears him to his base supporters…They eat the sophomoric incivility up and practice it right here themselves…:man_shrugging:

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He had no trouble getting Little Rocket Man to meet with him…something Obubba would never even have tried to do.

Obubba, the Appeaser in Chief would likely have kissed his ass (literally) had they ever met in private.

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And how did that work out? Is NK no longer a threat?

Whatever happened to the call by republicans and conservatives that no US president should meet a dictator without preconditions.

Trumps propaganda minister Sean Hannity was very vocal about this very requirement but now we hear nothing.

Diplomatic processes can be slow. It ain’t over yet.

The removal of illegal aliens will likewise be a slow process. Nobody should expect millions to be deported by the end of the year.

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I guess that’s proof that Trump does not take orders from Fox. He is an independent thinker.

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I never said he does. He has Fox right where he wants them. They do his bidding. I cannot fault Trump when organizations and people let themselves be used.

So how many years are you willing to wait to see results with NK? Likewise with immigration, if by the end of Trumps second term there is no improvement will you say he failed?



They’re still testing even though Trump has contradicted his own State Department and intel community by denying it…

So you believe the Trump administration but not Trump.

Sure… that makes sense. :roll_eyes:

Keep on flagging and i will keep on posting.

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Were with purpose , intentional ,malicious , and came from 99.99% of media , the entire demoRAT party , and half of the republicans , an 24/7 non-stop unprovoked vicious assault . :roll_eyes:

He’s an adult and POTUS, it’s time he learn some self control.

Any chance of the media reporting facts ? What about the dems finally stop rejecting everything the president tries to do ? Why is it when Obama did the very same things president Trump is attempting to do we never heard the vicious remarks and labels ? Strong MEN don’t let others kill them with thousands of cuts , but they fight , dirty if necessary !!!

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