How to get woke on the Jewish Question by reading one little article

Two idiots make this thread read like the most stupid conspiracy theory of all time.

The Nazi’s called millions Juden and made them wear stars of David.
Then they either worked, starved, or gassed them to death.

That evil shit happened. You can go back a thousand years, but we have pictures from 1944 to prove it.

All this conspiracy stuff is just sick.

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None of which supports any of your prior claims. Genetic studies prove that the ■■■■ of Eastern Europe and Central Asia share common traits with Shepardic ■■■■ from the ME, tying them all right back to the same Abrahamic stock originally.

One is simply insane, the other driven to borderline insanity by hate.

They act in common cause just like the Nazis did Al-Hussein. The goal hasn’t changed since 33 either, the extermination of the ■■■■ so the so called “Palestinian People” can have the region to themselves.



This abortion of a thread needs to be moved to the Conspiracy sub-forum.

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You’re correct. @Patriot has made it clear he will not censor criticism of ■■■■■ like he will not censor criticism of Muslims, or of whatever. So to the bedwetters, save your tantrums, insults and name calling or go elsewhere, like Facebook maybe.

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Sorry, I don’t do requests.

“Abortion” assumes that it was once alive, this is more of a miscarriage. :wink:

Yeah, in more than a decade out on AlGore’s mighty interwebs, I have never seen this brand of crazy. This place seems to be attracting them.

So wait, free speech only applies when you agree with it and the rest of us should leave?

You’ve got to be joking.

Wake up already.
You’ve been lied to.
What’s worse, you don’t seem to care about being lied to.

■■■■■■■■■■ shabbos goys always cause wars and destruction. Not the other way around.
Hitler wanted peace but ■■■ Churchill wouldn’t let him.

■■■■■■■ Bolshevism is responsible for the deaths of 66 million Christians in Russia
(Just letting you know)

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That is why @Patriot has installed an algorithm on this site which detects foul language and insults, but I don’t think it is working too well.

Not at all. You can argue the point, but hold back on the personal attacks.

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We Fundamentalists are studious, I wore out several Bibles.

I also grew up with the WWII vets. The truth is clear.

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You mean the GOOGLE Jigsaw developed prototype that has all of two models that are out of beta?

They use ML (Machine Learning) algorithms that are not, as I can find, documented. Since the Google ML stuff is dominated by Artificial Neural Network (ANN) approaches, I have to assume that this technology has no explanation capability.

Look at the no-longer-Don’t-be-Evil source, and be careful what you wish for. And remember, no explanation…

Yes, we get lied to every time we view one of your posts on the subject.

Well, that’s a bunch of crap. Adolph Hitler and his mostly Catholic Army had a a great deal to do with those deaths beginning with his invasion of Russia.

I respond in kind and I hold back an awful lot.

When he gets a filter that works for all of the Anti Semitic crap being directed at us you’ll see things cleaned up a lot.


I have no idea. You need to chat to @Patriot about it.

What do they know?

If they knew anything at all, they wouldn’t have gone to war to die for ■■■■■