House slated to vote on most significant gun control bill in years

I don’t know about you, but I were forced to make the choice, I would rather be shot to death than hacked to death with a sword. :wink:


:sunglasses: brb making an open bolt submachinegun out of common household items using using only simple tools


What a compelling argument. Infallible logic like that is difficult to argue against.


I say ban all fishing poles. Your only argument could be personal fishing, yet, if no one has one you have nothing to worry about.

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I say ban free speech. Your only argument could be political expression, yet, if no one has the right to express themselves you have nothing to worry about.

Guns are the great equalizer, just as effective in the hands of a strong youth as in the hands of a old lady. The same cannot be said of many other forms of defense.

Cocaine and other related drugs are illegal in the US. Do you really believe that there is no cocaine in the US at this moment? Do you really believe that the act of banning something will cause it to cease to exist? Are you really so naive to think that criminals would obey a law that does not aid them?

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You should probably ask her about crack.


Enforce Mandatory Possession of Guns & Require Yearly training:

  • People will have to buy firearms, stimulating the economy

  • New facilities for firearm training will create jobs

  • No sane person will rob a store where everyone is packing heat(The insane would do it anyways)

You’re welcome

That sounds misogynist. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Highly unlikely anyone would be misogynistic towards a lawn jockey.

Please explain the popularity and prominence of illicit drugs and why you think firearms would be different.

I’ll wait but won’t hold my breath.

And if you could make them all magically disappear, you would simply be making a lot of helpless victims who would be at the mercy of the strong. Such as women. Why would you deny a woman the means to stop a rapist?
Nuff said.


Please, what a joke, oh their increased gun control has solved their mass killing problem, they haven’t had one since 2001. Tell me, when did they ever have a problem to begin with? There have been exactly three cases in their entire history. One in 1912, one in 1976 and one in 2001, so get back to us in oh 2050 or so and we can discuss whether their recent measures were effective in reducing them.



Gun control has been so successful that maybe Chicago should outlaw books: literacy rates could explode with similar success.


They should just call it what it actually is. Citizen control.

Unconstitutional political masturbation. It’s going nowhere in The Senate and if by some miracle it passed there’s no way Trump would sign it.