DEMs are looking to replace the terrorism panel with one that will focus on investigating Trump.
From the article:
“Donald Trump is a far greater long-term threat to the wellbeing of the nation than terrorism,” said Daniel Benjamin, a top counterterrorism official in the Obama administration’s State Department and now at Dartmouth College."
Despite what DEMs are saying in public, I seriously expect them to try to impeach Trump.
They still can’t accept the fact that Trump won. I can’t imagine what they will do when Trump get’s his second term.
Not to mention a waste of taxpayer money. They’ve already hired Mueller to investigate Trump, and so far he’s found nothing. Likely they are going to drag this out to after the 2020 election and arrest Trump as a private citizen. It’s sad that there are people who actually think this is doing the country any good.
I don’t really have a strong party affiliation, so I am for checks and balances of both side where warranted.
Given all the smoke around Russians and Trump… I support being as thorough as possible. Republicans has their turn now Dems get to show if they are better or worse.
2 years isn’t very long for this type of investigation. However I agree, I am also anxious to get this wrapped up. However to say there isn’t anything to this investigation just isn’t true. I am for law and order… so want I support the FBI. Always have always will.
Hilary’s campaign should be investigated thoroughly for their role with Fusion. Beyond that I don’t see anything else there. Both can be investigated, but I am not sure why the Repub lead house didn’t take the Hilary thing further?