Well there goes that narrative of White cops shooting black people! It so appears the roles are reversed.
What a pussy. He could have just gone over and manhandled her. There was no need for that shit. The worse he would have gotten was a few stitches (its part of his job so I don’t want to hear it). I’m sick of these ■■■■■■■ issuing death sentences at the slightest provocation.
She clearly was trying to get shot. She got what she wanted.
Ehh - why didn’t he just take out the collapsible baton and just beat her ass?
Yeah I agree! Scissors? A Woman? Police officers are supposed to be trained to neutralize such threats without drawing their weapons. This was sanctioned murder IMO.
Scissors are dangerous especially to a policeman wearing body armor.
She had multiple warnings. He told her he would shoot her and he had a gun trained on her and her every move.
She got exactly what she asked for.
Are you being facetious?
The monument to sarcasm.
I don’t know about getting close to someone armed with a sharp deadly weapon. Something like this looks pretty dangerous to me.
I will say this: In many of the police shootings like this one, the civilian defies police orders.
“Don’t reach in your pocket…”
“Put down the knife/scissors/bat/whatever…”
It’s easy to be internet analysts from a distance.
Things like this escalate in the moment. Civilian defiance accelerates the pace of escalation.
And the internet propagation of armchair quarterbacking seemingly emboldens defiance.
I don’t have an answer. It’s just an observation.
Absolutely justifiable shoot without question.
You’d be an idiot to use a less than lethal weapon against an attacker charging you with a lethal weapon.
No they aren’t. There is no use of force cintinuum that calls for less than lethal response to a lethal threat.
She’s not just an old woman with scissors either, she’s hopped up on something, probably meth which makes her multiples of times more dangerous.
He kept his cool. He was trained for this. Armchair quarterbacks are not trained for this (I am including myself).
He gave her many chances to save her life and to back down. She didn’t. She escalated the situation.
Speaking as a woman, I don’t care that she was a woman. Woman or not, she posed a threat.
I don’t see it!
So what your saying is that LEO when initially completing their academy training don’t get trained to learn self defense techniques or how to restrain a suspect that prepares them for situations like these? If this were a man, maybe I can see your point, but this situation was already escalating quickly and don’t know the context that led to this, but the cop in this situation could have backed off until his back up arrived with maybe trying to talk her down despite her mental state to try to get her to give up her scissors.
Also why or where was his back up?
That is my arm chair QB impression!
He did exactly what he was supposed to do and he kept backing up until he had no where left to go and she was charging on the attack.
Act similarly anywhere in the country and you will get shot 100% of the time.
All the backup in the world wasn’t going to change the outcome, she wanted to die.
I’ve been pulled over while carrying. Both hands out the window with my drivers license & CC License. Never ever a problem.
I’m pretty sure the police officers main priority is going home to his family and not this crazy lady wellbeing he made the right decision by minimising any risk to himself
What!!! No calls of racism!!! If this would have been a white cop, he would be in jail with Al Charlatan picketing his home.
With this being a black cop shooting a white woman, what will SJWs have to say.
He could have attempted to talk her down until backup arrived and if he suspected she was “high” on something that should have given him a clue of how to proceed. If she would have lunged at him, he could have shot her in the hand she had the scissors.
Only Monday morning QBing.