HONG KONG Protests ***UPDATE!***

On Nov. 19, the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act passed the Senate floor unanimously. The bill would require the U.S. Secretary of State to certify each year whether the city is “sufficiently autonomous” from mainland China to justify its special trading status with the United States. The House passed its version of the bill last month.

Since Hong Kong reverted to Chinese rule in 1997, under the express guarantee that its autonomy be preserved, the United States has dealt with the city as a separate entity from mainland China in matters of trade, investment, and immigration.

Of course, Chicom is not dumb. Just like the Tiananmen Square protest, Hong Kong protests are egged on by the West.

Yeah? How so? This is has got to be good!


Redundant! This has already been posted, and this is not proof that supports your statement of the west egging the protestors on! So again, I will ask, what proof do you have to support your statement? Or is this it?

And your other source, Military Watch Magazine is not even related, but I guess you had to throw that in there for extra measure and effect right?

You asked the question.
I gave the answer.

Same goes for Maidan (Kiev)

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Figures, and its a weak answer at that!

I am taking bets for how long it will take you to insert an anti ■■■■■■ angle here! :rofl:

I mean…

hyperbole ( countable and uncountable , plural hyperboles )

  1. (uncountable, rhetoric, literature) Deliberate or unintentional overstatement, particularly extreme overstatement. quotations ▼
  2. (countable) An instance or example of such overstatement. quotations ▼
  3. (countable, obsolete) A hyperbola.

Just because you started this thread does not mean that you have editorial rights over every post.

Why can you not simply answer his question?
Your rebuttal appears rude !

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I didn’t start this thread. This thread is a combination of a few threads started by others. So much for your presumption!

What’s your problem? White knighting for your comrade here Exodus?

And the question is irrelevant to this thread, so either dump or get off the pot!

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Absolutely, and it’s the same old problem…

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Here is a link to the first post, the one that started this thread. Checkout the name of the poster…

I have never interacted with @David unless that is a second username, and I don’t know who he is.

Some of us have other things to do besides read this thread, sorry for the tardy reply.
As a person making inference over Hong Kong life and claiming US citizenship (you) a request for information which might reveal the relevance of your comparison is not irrelevant.

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Yes it is irrelevant and I choose not to divulge my personal information! A request to which you or nobody participating on this forum has any authority asking, surely you of all people would understand that which I find your disposition on this issue rather confounding because you are simply wrong! So I have no idea where you think it is relevant your argument on the contrary is a weak one as I reserve the right not to answer a question where questionable characters are trying to data mine me!

What part of combination of threads do you not understand? The moderators combined the threads that included mine as well as others recently! I Guess you didn’t get the memo!

Nobody needs authority to ask a question…
You are perfectly within your right to refuse an answer, in which case you could say “I prefer not to disclose that”, or “I am not going to answer that”, rather than “none of your business”.

So by default you won ownership of the thread …damn !

Free speech buddy! I am sorry that it doesn’t appeal to your British type of sensitivities! If you can’t accept the difference in culture then I don’t know what to tell ya, I am certainly not going to apologise for being direct, then again you know this and is more telling about you grasping at straws here!

Says who? I own nothing and your snarky remark is rather childish on your part. Can we get back to the thread topic?

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Trump Would Be Making a ‘Mistake’ If He Doesn’t Support Hong Kong Bill: GOP Senator