HONG KONG Protests ***UPDATE!***

That is pretty much what I said!

…and the Taiwanese are very worried about this. First, the Chinese are starting to infiltrate their government and society. Second, the Taiwanese have been openly supporting of Hong Kong. That and buying an F16 fleet from the US has narked the Chinese.

Well… the protesters have thus far managed to have the offending Bill removed from the agenda. That is a two step win because initially CL verbally agreed that the HK government would not extradite or export anybody. However the protesters said that they wanted all reference removed from the legislative program, and finally they have succeeded in achieving that.

So I blame the stubbornness of the ChiCom puppet for bringing things to this mess.

So what is different than what I stated Exodus? Please enlighten me!

Amen to that…!

Sorry … I forgot that I needed your permission to answer a post from another person

Absolute truth.

And make things worse.
However, if we manage to get rid of privately owned central banks, there won’t be any war economy.

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No, just pointing out your purposely being redundant! And what’s with the snark?

If they want an independent Hong Kong (with or without close ties with the US), it’s too late now.

Senators Condemn Arson Attack on Hong Kong Epoch Times Printing Press

It is not too late, it will be bloody, perhaps hugely bloody.

Let’s hope it’s not too late.
Chicom is a huge concentration camp.

Not your blood, so what the hay…

Not your blood, so what the hay…

image !

That is hyperbole

I have family who have been working in China for over a decade. The mentality of the people has finally ground them down, and they can be extremely racist … unless it hurts them in the pocket. However the country now has at least as many CCTV cameras as the UK and a social engineering program to go with it. I am sure it will get worse.

You mean exaggeration.
I was in Shanghai several years ago as a tourist from Japan, walking down the main shopping street. I noticed I was being followed by a guy. Instead of running or hiding, I just waited for him to come to me.
He was polite and asked me in relatively good English what I was doing in Shanghai, what my purpose of being there was, etc., etc.

How did he know I was not from China?
Why didn’t he check with the visa issuing authority?
Who knows. I guess it was his job to “interview” me directly, which was rather pleasant. (He even suggested a couple of nice sites to visit.)

How long has it been since you have lived in America?

I do t see how that is any of your business and what that has to do with this thread topic?

House Passes 2 Hong Kong Bills in Support of Protests; To Be Sent To President for Approval