HBO Max Removes Civil War Epic 'Gone With the Wind'

When the historical remnants of a culture are driven underground that’s when a true boiling pot of retribution will begin.

These “university” students will live to regret participation in the erasure of the singular most cataclysmic event in our nation’s history.

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That’s a real big leap from HBO MAX taking a single racist movie out of its offering lineup.

I know i’m new and all but I can already tell you are the boards trouble maker who thinks anything PRO AMERICAN PRO TRUMP PRO NORMAL--------------- but we can tell you are the DUNCE of America and the problem to why we are where we are. WTF FREEDOM" HAVE WE LOST M–F R U Gawd dam serious I cann show you a list of FREEDOM AND RIGHTS WE’VE ALL LOST since that prison bitch Obama was in office Bush as well it’s called YOU LOST MANY RIGHTS under 911. well this virus is your INVISIBLE 911 to strip you of more freedom and rights. FOOL!


We lost it our rights because :yum: Americans are concerned because the PATRIOT Act put in place statutory authority for the government to get a court order to come into your home without your knowledge and even take property without notifying you until weeks or months later.[4] Americans are concerned because the PATRIOT Act allows the government to obtain many detailed, personal records - including library and bookstore records, financial and medical records, and Internet communications - without probable cause and without meaningful judicial review. For those records that may be obtained using ““national security letters,”” there is no judicial review at all. Americans are concerned because the PATRIOT Act - as well as changes to immigration regulations since 9/11 and the President’s claimed authority to detain ““enemy combatants”” - all sanction indefinite detention without criminal charge and without meaningful judicial review. …

The asses never lifted the patriot act—


They didn’t renew the FISA bill for this specific reason, along with of course the obvious abuses of the court that is currently being exposed!

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i tell you what, why don’t we just cancel you instead?

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re writing history to fit what these low iq c…ts want it to be until they wake up…


OMG!!! Now in the United Kingdom, the classic comedy “Faulty Towers”, has now been withdrawn from British Television! There seems to be a tidal wave of leftist cenosrship!


To this day TARDS still can’t figure out this was never " just a meme" , the tards aren’t able to tell how history told them what was coming but their masters taught the sheep " it’s all fake go back to sleep". now that’s it here the dumb sobs are destroying the only free nation left.


In 1992, Dr John Coleman published Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300 . With laudable scholarship and meticulous research, Dr Coleman identifies the players and carefully details the Illuminati agenda of worldwide domination and control. On page 161 of the Conspirators Hierarchy , Dr Coleman accurately summarizes the intent and purpose of the Committee of 300 as follows:

"A One World Government and one-unit monetary system, under permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchists who self-select from among their numbers in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle Ages. In this One World entity, population will be limited by restrictions on the number of children per family, diseases, wars, famines, until 1 billion people who are useful to the ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly defined, remain as the total world population.

There will be no middle class, only rulers and the servants. All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts practicing the same unified code of laws, backed up by a One World Government police force and a One World unified military to enforce laws in all former countries where no national boundaries shall exist. The system will be on the basis of a welfare state; those who are obedient and subservient to the One World Government will be rewarded with the means to live; those who are rebellious will simple be starved to death or be declared outlaws, thus a target for anyone who wishes to kill them. Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited."

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And not only that, but temporarily while they decide the best way to add it back to their platform in appropriate context…

You completely moved the goal posts. We weren’t discussing 9/11. We were discussing HBO’s removal of a movie which normalizes slavery, even glorifies the antebellum life of whites who became. Rich in the backs of slave labor…

Btw, you only consider me the forum trouble maker because I frustrate the attempts of racists and bigots who would prefer that America was exclusively white.

You, and your way of thinking are in the minority and America will, mark my words, move beyond those attitudes. The honor given to racist institutions will be stripped away, the statues which honor men who were traitors to the United States and fought against it in an effort to preserve the institution of slavery will come down. Their names will be removed and their flag will be banned. These things can be moved to the museums where the true and ugly story will be told…

A single global government, a global market and currency, is completely inevitable, and there’s nothing literally, that you can do about it.

It was blind stealth, a war still being fought on the back pages of books by dead poets and their messages are coded. They just found new ways such as social media, and obscure forums that supported their ideologies to feed their confirmation biases in order to feel safe from their insecurities. Subversion was an inevitability when greed took priority over the loyalties to a nation. They still hang traitors and spies, they just haven’t found the right time yet. McCarthy has become a canonised prophet to ones who could see. This story has no ending yet? Heaven and Hell!

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It’s being removed to protect and secure it…:man_shrugging:

I would think you would support that.

You’re just too stupid to realize the connection between losing rights because of government actions and losing rights because of private sector censorship.

HBO is attempting to take away our right to watch whatever movie we so choose to watch. The Patriot Act attempts to legally take away our right to privacy.

Looks like you too are going to be a name calling incivil debater…

Btw, the topic, HBO’s removal of a movie offensive to many Americans does not abridge your right to anything. Dust off your old VHS and watch the movie all you want, or down load it to your library from some other venue.

“The Jeffersons” Need to be band!

Have you ever heard of creeping gradualism?


Here is another show that will be banned soon because the car Featured in the show has the Rebel flag painted on its roof.

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