Have you heard?

‘liquid water’? Fuck me, whatever next?? :rofl:

Like Bush 43 saying, “This is a global world”

Zero in my book. Life on other planets would not rely on it either.

God is quite capable of starting life on an infinite number of planets.

The last time I saw the equation worked out it ended up with something like 1 chance in 10x10 with an almost infinitive number of zeros.

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That certainly isn’t true. You kill the container and that which resides within quite easily.

Life does come back, with some memory, to a different container

Learn something for a change.


If you have liquid water and a few basic elements you have what is needed to support life.

That certainly isn’t true and not supportable by anything known to science.

Your “science” is as good as you believe it to be.

It sure beats all your bullshit theories that are completely unsupportable by any known fact.

I mean - liquid water? I still can’t get over it. They’ll be telling us it’s wet nxt?

But you’re spectacularly missing the whole bloody POINT, which is . . . what other sort of water is there? Jeezus!!

Water vapor and ice you dipshit. Water can be a solid, liquid, or gas.

The water has to be in an available form to support life.

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Why does it, when there will never be any life on the fucking dead, you know D-E-A-D?? planet? FFS it’s like talking to a kid.

That’s a completely unsupportable claim. Not surprising coming from you.

If the basic elements for life are there and “green zone conditions” exist, all it takes to spark life is a small deposit of living material starting with bacteria and nature will then take it’s course.

A planet is no different than a test tube or petri dish in that regard.

Yes, but there are no oceans nor, more importantly, are there Amazon-type jungles - to be ‘the lungs’ of the planet? And then there would be all the infrastructure such as power generation, sewerage and sanitation, the materials for building towns and cities? And even then, how would we get (I’ve said this before but you didn’t come back on it) millions of people to Mars, and how would all the cultures mix if they don’t have their own countries to go and live in? I’m starting to believe you really think it IS a petri dish we’re talking about here. It isn’t the only thing I’m starting to believe either?? Or are you taking the piss? It’s so bizarre talking to you that it wouldn’t surprise me.

What on earth are you babbling about now? There are potentially tens of thousands of planets in our own galaxy alone capable of supporting life. If they are in the “green zone” and have water along with a few basic elements even if currently sterile all it takes to start the process is a bucket of bacteria.

Mars has basic elements needed to manufacture much if not most or all of what colonies in the future will need once they are established based on what is currently known.

This is for TWR (the 3-post rule :roll_eyes: ) Please onpass lol

Yes there probably are thousands of habitable planets in our own galaxy but we haven’t been talking about them, we’ve been talking about Mars - at least I have. :rofl:

No, read your own op. This thread isn’t/wasn’t about Mars.

That’s actually pretty good.