Hanoi Jane Returns to Kent State for 50th Anniversary

Well first of all Syria is not losing a war, because it was never declared as one, and no we are not losing nor did we lose. Same with Libya! You might actually stop reading your crappy internet sources that is filling your head with such garbage because its apparent you don’t know much of what is going on in those theaters. As far is Iraq, we also did not lose that war either, we occupied the country after toppling Saddam and was restricted to the SOFA agreement to which our eventual pullout was baked into the cake. And Afghanistan, is also another war that was never officially declared, however judging from what was expended is a mixed result, but definitely not lost.

In that case why did you invade thence to occupy a sovereign country? And why are you still in Afghanistan 16 years on and counting? I’m not going to play your word-games.

Listen, its clear that you are out of your depth on this subject matter and have no idea what you are talking about so again proving once again why having any discussion with you is a pointless endeavor. So I will ask to refrain from ever responding to me if you can’t be intellectually honest nor like the answers you receive or better yet, I will actively put you on ignore so we don’t ever have to converse with one another. Go create your own threads instead of trolling the threads that I create! Now I have some more productive things to do than waste time with you! Have a nice day!

‘a full bag of marbles’ :laughing: :rofl:

At the time everyone relied on the news as being the gospel truth and Cronkite was one number 1 in reporting , well that turd screwed up big time and turned everyone against our troops .

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Cronkite can say whatever he pleases now — after 50 years, he is safe.

Blame him, instead of realizing mass media always betray you.
Cronkite and CBS (and other networks) had no intention of telling it like it is from the get-go. (It was a difficult thing for average folks to realize 50 years ago. And now?)

Walter Cronkite is dead and has been for over 10 years. He won’t be saying anything!

With respect, I sincerely doubt that ‘everyone turned against your troops’. I regularly slag off your and my own military departments (Pentagon and MoD), but I have the greatest admiration and respect for the so-called feet on the ground, especially American feet on the ground. I’d love to meet the guys who were featured in Bitter Lake, particularly the one who was ‘petting’ a goat, and the one who was startled by a nearby explosion while he was reading a book; oh and the one who was trying to attract a bird. Actually I’d like to meet all of them who were featured.

Ain’t you afraid you’re going his way one day?

What is that suppose to mean? You over compensating because you just exposed your own stupidity?

I didn’t know Cronkite was dead or alive. I was never his fan.
Call it stupidity, if you will.

People who are full of themselves are usually weak and unstable. It seems to me your whole attitude is a compensation for your internal weakness, which is a real credit loss for a good website

Sounds like once again you are projecting! Like I said before you do much on your own to make a fool of yourself here by choosing to live in an alternative reality than living in reality itself! You are always trying to turn fiction into fact by your shit posts as well as trying to turn every subject matter into a conspiracy and there is plenty of evidence left by the footprints you leave in your statements here that supports that observation made not just by me, but by others here too! Therefore it is more apparent that it is you who has an internal weakness of someone who is desperately crying out for attention. I hope you do seek the proper help for that personal infliction of mental illness that you so obviously suffer from.

Now if you’ll excuse me there are others here who can actually carry on a conversation about the topic on hand and that actually can put together a thoughtful cogent string of ideas that adds to the conversation that I much rather give consideration to and whose opinions I actually value. Yours not so much so I don’t want to waste any more of my time with invalids such as you!

Biggest regret is not sleeping with Che Guevara? How is that not being a communist sympathiser? Holy crap! Guevara was a murderous thug who got what he deserved in the end! Fonda’s regret sounds more like having some serious daddy issues going on there. The part about her marriage to Hayden where she becomes a total submissive acquiescing to everyone of his demands in order to becoming a minimalist is indicative of that being true!

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Jane spread it around quite a bit. I wonder how many she fucked while Ted Turner had her as a kept whore.

Kent State should be so proud to have such a paragon as their honored guest.

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But NOT regretting posing on an anti-aircraft gun used to shoot down our American pilots . or calling our POWs hypocrites and liars and referred to their torture as understandable.

Point taken! She was either self aggrandising for full publicity effect, or completely brainwashed and devoid of anything resembling loyalty to her own country.