Seems to depend on the day and the subject. He’s a Brit most of the time but suddenly claims to be an American whenever he feels like crapping on the US and particularly veterans/active duty military.
The only board I’ve ever seen so much hate on display was when I once looked in on one of the more infamous Neo Nazi/KKK favorites I’d been accused of being a member of.
The Haters seem to seek each other out to create their own support system.
Lmao I post because I enjoy posting. No agenda, message boards are not that deep. They are only a small number of people who seem to post with any regularity here so whats the point of having a nefarious hidden agenda for so few?
Its not like any of us are influencers in real life.
You really are all seeing and all knowing, every single subject here you act as if you are the oracle and font of all knowledge, your even the expert on people you dont know.