Germany Significantly Increases Military Spending

Yes, like them.

The last war we actually won by every definition was WWII.

We bombed German and Japanese cities into dust, rubble, and cinders just to eliminate a few factories.

Trying to keep casualties to a minimum is a failure from the word go.

We can go back further in history to where it was common to completely eradicate and entire population to ensure their children would not come back to start the next war.

Wars should be complete, brutal, and without remorse, that keeps them short and ensures you don’t have to do it again.

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Collateral damage…
Guilt these guys take to their graves.
And beyond.
Bad karma.

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You can’t utterly destroy the taliban, nor AQ. You can kill people, but that hatred for the west’s interference and killing of Muslims will NEVER dim…

Yep, I’ll bet that there’s plenty more of those guys…

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I’m with you on that.
“Drone strikes are causing more and more Yemenis to hate America and join radical militants”

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Exactly, and unfortunately Americans never connect these dots…:man_shrugging:

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Guilt has been a major factor since the invention of long range artillery not to mention aerial bombing.

If you can’t put your emotions in a box the work will eat you alive.

Of course you can, you stop killing when you run out of targets, then you start hitting everything else you can think of they might use to reconstitute a fighting force until their will to carry the fight on is destroyed along with all of the hardware needed to carry on the fight.

Obviously you’re a stranger to guilt.
Good for you.

Some people are just war mongerers and don’t care about that.

Some people kill in the name of religion, ideology, democracy or whatever belief system.
They even kill to “stamp out” violence. LOL

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Peace is what you have when you have eliminated the violent who can’t live by whatever set of rules your society wants.

Peace is a result, it is not the opposite of war, it is the outcome of a successfully prosecuted war.

Not at all, as long as I did my duty there was no guilt to be had.

The world is a very ugly place when you get out of your bubble.

In order for you to live in that bubble hard men have to do things you could never stomach in order to keep evil in check and to keep bad men from using you as a slave or sex toy or both.

A hard man

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The only reason you even know his name is because of his accomplishments.

He united the tribes of Mongolia which had never been done before in history and defeated the largest country on earth all in less than two decades.

He then ensured his name would live on when his own children became the rulers of that same great nation and ensured his bloodline would live on in perpetuity.

Haha, if you think Genghis Khan conquered China, time to re-read your school textbook.

He conquered all or most of what today is Northern China and started his own dynasty.

At it’s height the Kahn’s empire covered 1/3 of Asia and most notably Ghengis Kahn was able to consistently defeat enemies with five to ten times the number of troops under Kahn’s command.

Studying his strategies and tactics is still required material for every military school and/or academy on the planet because he is still so respected.

It was his grandson Kubilai who finished the Sung (Southern Sung) Dynasty.